Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 43

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Davina's POV

No. No. Was he...no.

I took a few minutes to catch my breath that was lost in my throat. Was this really happening? He's such a monster.

“Are...you serious?”

“Of course he is and now we can be together forever.”

My heart....it was never renewing ever. I don't know which country he was in and it makes me feel terribly bad.

I remained silent trying to regain my composure, trying not to let the tears fall. My life was crumbling apart more and even more but it was all my fault any way and I have to deal with it whether I like it or not, it's just a matter of living with it, even if it was to protect Elijah and I miss him dearly.

“I was thinking maybe we could go on a date, then we have something sexy planned out then sleep together again.” He reached his hand over and dropped it on my legs. I could feel how disgusting the crawls up my back were running.

“Hmm..” Was my response. It was all my fault from the beginning anyways. It's a matter of living with this shit. Elijah...I miss him.

“Then I was thinking of having three kids, two girls and a boy, or you can probably switch it up a bit and have two boys and a girl.”

He can talk the fuck what he wants to talk but that's not gonna happen. I will not, have kids for someone this cruel and heartless. It will not happen.

“Then we read them bedtime stories and tell them how we met and how much we love them. Then we can tell them that our true love made them.”

He was completely talking to himself because I was not agreeing to any of the shit coming from his filth breath.

“Then we prepare them for school and watch them grow up until high school. Watch them grow up and be successful and hopefully one of the boys turns out to be me.”

To be you? The last thing that I want to happen was to have kids just like you. I don't need monster kids and by the way, why speaking of this when for sure it will never happen. It will never happen not for the world. So he can rant all he wants but if I should have kids, I will only have kids for Elijah.

“Then we watch them grow up into adulthood, in their successful jobs and making money to take care of us.”

I cast him out totally, I just need Elijah back. I missed his touch that made my entire body ignite. I missed him between my legs and his fingers stroking my face. I missed his lips, touch and fingertips. I need him. I am desperate for him and no one else. I just....I need to see him. I need to talk with him.

“We will have a perfect life together. A perfect one.”

I am going to get Elijah. Like it or not.


So guys...I am sorry for the late update and I currently need your feedback.

So lately the Co-VID19 (Corona Virus) is in quite a few countries including England, USA, Jamaica, China and other countries. I need you guys to keep safe by using these safety tips:

1) You can wear nose mask.

2) Make your own hand sanitizer, currently in my country you cannot get any hand sanitizer since it is all sold out. Now they are raising the price that is not affordable.

3) Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

4) Don't wear hand gloves. Let me explain why. When you touch a surface and the germs from the surface comes in contact with the hand gloves, what happens is that the germs that is on the gloves will eventually transfer from the gloves to your hand and if keep wearing that gloves, you can get the virus. Be careful

5) Avoid putting your hands in your face.

6) Avoid group gathering, and hugging people for the virus can be transmitted without you knowing.

7) Stay away from person who constantly keeps coughing.

8) If you guys have garlic in your country what you can do is boil and drink garlic tea. Let me show you how it is done:

• Get two pieces of garlic
• Get some boiling water
•Get a spoonful of sugar
•Get a teacup, put sugar, add garlic and throw hot water then stir. Drink that and it will probably help.

9)Prayer. Prayer will help to keep you safe (if you pray)

Since the virus has been spreading, all schools in my country is on a lockdown for a maximum of 14 days. We will see what happens but I have to continue my studies, my works and homeworks online.

All I need for you guys is to protect yourself.

Q: Who wants ELIJAH to come back?


Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now