Enemies With Benefits - Chapter 57

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Elijah's POV

It has been four days since Davina was in the hospital. Caleb did some clearing up for me when the cops arrived at the incident saying that a random car pulled up at the front of the house and shot wild fires. I was now cool with him but he was pissed and upset. As for me...I couldn't eat, I couldn't breathe, knowing that I hurt her because of doing what Caleb did to me, but only worst.

She was okay though. She got shot in her arm and the doctors managed to get it out in time. I couldn't even look at her when I visited because I felt terribly bad.

I was walking to her room where she was in. As thought, when , Caleb was there laughing and sharing jokes with her. She will be discharged this evening.

I had a bouquet of flowers in my hand to give her. When they both saw me every bit of laughter stopped. They just stared at me and I felt hopeless.

Caleb then turned to Davina, "I will give you two a minute." He rubbed her shoulder before leaving.

I slowly stepped inside the room and gulped, "Hey."

She sat up with her back straight taking her eyes off me for a second then looked back at me, "Hi."

Its been pretty awkward and the more awkward it was the more unstable I became, "I bought you something."

"No thanks. I don't do well with the flowers and you know that Elijah." When she spoke I could hear a little pity in her tone. My fault anyway.

"Okay...fine. I am sorry okay."

"Sorry about what part exactly?" She asked crossing her arms on her chest with a brow arched.

"Everything. The breakup, the Caleb situation and for..." I couldn't say it. I couldn't.

"And for what?" She asked waiting for me to say it.

"I can't...look. I will do everything in my power to make it up to you. I swear. I promise you that Dav."

"Please stick to Davina."

I looked down then back at her, "Okay. I am truly sorry. Caleb got rid of all the evidence of the gun... everything since he knew about all that stuffs. You clearly didn't understand that I was hurting, and there was so much I couldn't bare you wouldn't understand." He explained.

"I might not understand the way you do but I do understand if I'm not sounding too confusing. Caleb wasn't like this. His father wanted him to killed you but deep down he couldn't but instead he beat the crap of you because of his dad. Then he man up and realised that his father deserve to be in jail. And we were trying to explain it to you but you went ahead to shoot Caleb. If I didn't took that shot he will be dead by now Elijah, probably me."

I listened. She continued to explain and I thought about everything. It sums up.

"Elijah...I love you honestly but I need a day or two to think without you being around."

I looked down with tears settling inside my eyes, "Davina...okay...if it's what you want. So we are still not together?"

"I will think about that part but for now... I just need a little bit of space to get my head cleared up." She explained.

"Okay. Deep down I love you no matter what and I will always love you." I walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead. I rested the flowers next to her and turned my back walking away.

Davina will always have a space in my heart. Everyone makes mistake so does I and I can improve on that. What I will be doing is regrouping with Caleb and Merhaba and talk things through. I think this was what we all needed.


Hey...as you guys know it...the book is ending June 17. I really wish I get the 10 winners so that I can start writing on the new book! Please remember the competition if you want to take part!

As you guys may know about the protest about black lives matter and how innocent black lives have been taken during to racism...what are your thoughts about it?

#blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd

Q: Who want's to be in the competition!?


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