Enemies With Benefits -Chapter 5

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Wednesday, February 28th

Word Count: 1002

Davina's POV

"Move out of my way." I pushed passed him. He took my hand and drew me back towards him, squeezing on it.

"Why should we move? Don't tell me you're scared?" He chuckled and he was making fun of me. So I basically hated when he did that but to be honest I can't take on all three all at once.

"Scared?" I chuckled. "Scared of you? I don't think it's even possible." I spoke boldly showing no fear.

"We could make it possible. You're alone and we can hurt you very easily." Caleb added.

"Then give it a try." I clenched my fist and looked at them very closely. If they wanted to try a move on me, then I had to be smart, extremely smart.

"Can we do it man?" Merhaba asked Elijah, couldn't hold his eager in.

"Anything your mind tells you to do." He answered.

"Look, your pants are on the floor." I pointed my index finger to the floor.

They all looked like total idiots and that was when I took the chance to ran off and escape.

"Go get her!" I heard Elijah shouted on the top of his lungs.

I ran over to my bike but it wouldn't start. They were coming closer and that was when my bike started working again. I sticked out a middle finger at the three of them. I rode as hard as possible until they were lost in sight. That was close, pretty close. I just smiled at how dumb they all looked when I tricked them.

It was a new month and the first Sunday in this month, I'd usually celebrate Father's Day. I don't have a father so it will be useless if I celebrated it. I woke up in my pj's and as soon as I did so, I went to take a shower. I got myself cleaned up and found a black sweatpants and a black T-shirt with the logo, 'Black Beetles'. I walked downstairs, with my school bag slung over my right shoulder and my hair was always curly and let free. I saw my sister, kissing her so called 'boyfriend' lounging in the couch. I acted as if I didn't saw them. I just minded my own business. I went to the kitchen and stuffed a toast down my throat. That was just breakfast. A silly old toast. I walked back to the living room. I had to walk through there to get outside the house.

"Here, take $5 from my purse." She said, sucking her boyfriend's face off like a popsicle.

"I don't need your filthy money." I slammed the front door and ride my way to school.

When I was on the school campus, I walked all by myself. I didn't need any friends. I didn't count on people to do my shits for me. I didn't want any friends, mainly because they wouldn't understand my pain. On Thursday mornings, we always had devotions. Devotion was always boring. It was so lame. I skipped devotion and went to get my Computer Science textbook. I didn't had a passion for computer science but I had a passion for art. Art was my life. Sometimes I express my feelings through art. Art was something I will always love. But still, I didn't really know the true meaning of the word love. Sometimes I even think it was just a word without means.

The hallway was practically empty. Why? Because all my schoolmates were at that boring devotion. I received a text message from someone.


Unknown User
I'll catch you. You can't run forever
Delivered | 7:59am

I ignored the message and hissed. Pranks didn't work on me that very easily. Pranks were stupid and I hated when people tried pranking me, but the best part was, in the end, I knew who pranked me somehow I'll break them. You don't wanna get on my next side. The bell had rung, signalling it was time to get to my first period. My schoolmates were scared of me because they knew what this baddi bad bitch was capable of. I pushed the classroom door open and sat at the back. I hated sitting at the front and the middle. It felt really uncomfortable.

I was early and more and more of my classmates started appearing. Ms Taylor was my Computer Science teacher. Tall brown hair that was always in a ponytail, hazel color eyes, and she always wore glasses that fits her face perfectly.

Elijah was always late for this class. It made me more comfortable when he was not too close to me. When he was close, I wanted to break his silly ass.

"Good morning class." Ms Taylor greeted.

We all groaned and she just stood there and smiled.

"We're going to look up on a new topic today. Please get your notebooks out and copy this from the board." She turned her back and started writing on the black board.

Couple minutes have passed. The door was pushed opened and I didn't even had to look up to see who it was. I just kept my eyes fixated on the black board and focused on writing off my notes.

"Why are you so late for my class?" Ms Taylor asked, giving Elijah a stern look.

"It's absolutely none of your goddamn business." He hissed and sat down at his seat. He sat two seats away from me. When both of us are in the same place for too long, it doesn't turns out very well.

"How do you possibly think I should write all those notes down?" Elijah sat back in his chair with his hands crossed over his chest.

"You've failed so many times in this subject. Get the notes off the board." She glared at him and that was when he received everyone's attention. Except for one, me.

"I failed this subject because you failed to make me learn." He backfired.

The whole class laughed and Ms Taylor got angry. Some making oohs and ahhs. She walked over to Elijah ranging with anger in her voice, "Get the damn notes off the board."

"Did I just made little Ms Taylor got angry?" He teased and she clenched her fists. Both of them to the exact.

"You don't want me to smash you little boy. You have no manners and you have no form of respect. You're a destruction to this entire school."

I interrupted, "Ms Taylor, may I have the opportunity to smash him for you?"

To be continued...

A/N: Whew! 1002 words. I know that's not really a lot but, I tried *wipes sweat off forehead* I'll try making some other chapters longer. Do you know how much I appreciate you all? Do you know how much I appreciate y'all? I really love when you comment and just if you didn't know, you have the power to make the small star on the left hand side at the bottom of the screen orange. <3 :****

See you soon!

Question of the day

What's your name!?


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