Enemies With Benefits- Chapter 28 Bonus

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Davina's POV

"I don't like any of those tattoos Elijah."I skipped a few more pages in the book.

Elijah sighed with his hands resting on his hips, "What do you like then?"

"I don't know. Honestly." I closed the book and hand it back to Elijah. Elijah turned around thinking for a second. He whispered something in the guy's ear, the guy that was supposed to give me the tattoo. Yea, that one. I sat there waiting for anything. Let's just hope it wasn't a dragon tattoo, or skull or roses.

Elijah slowly removed my jacket and pulled one strap down my shoulders. The tattoo master came behind me and started doing his magic. It wasn't painful but I can work with that.

It took him a few more minutes to get it done. Elijah had a small smile spreading across his lips, watching me.

"All finished." The tattoo guy said, admiring his work after.,

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and slowly turned my back to look at my new tattoo in the mirror. I liked it. It was a heartbeat tattoo.

I smiled.

"You like it?" Elijah asked.

"I love it." I pulled the strap back up, on my shoulder. I can't believe I had a new tattoo. How Savage of me.

It was his turn to get a tattoo since he already had one on his shoulder, I didn't even realized he had. Let's think of a tattoo that wasn't too common, something new, fresh and out of the box. Something like a...dove...no. I need something more, like a... feather or something like that.

I walked over to the tattoo guy and whispered in his ear, "Give him a key tattoo."

He nodded

"Elijah it's your turn. Remember?" I asked him.

"How can I forget." He took a seat, removing his jacket and shirt. He was putting his tattoo on his collarbone. Yup.

The tattoo guy went to do his magic. I hope it turned out beautifully. In less than twenty minutes, he was already finished. Elijah smiled at his new tattoo. He didn't had to look in the mirror for that one.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

"It's... beautiful." He said, grabbing his shirt and putting it back on along with his jacket.

We didn't had to pay for the tattoo since the tattoo guy were good friends with Elijah's grandparents. We left back to his bike.

"Where will be our next stop?" Elijah asked, handing me his helmet.

"Well, I'm hungry." I told him, taking the helmet from his hands.

"I know where our next stop will be then." He gets on his bike,and I did too with the helmet on my head. Elijah started the bike and rode off.

I wrapped my arms around him, smiling and my head was resting on his back. I wished I could do this all freaking day.

"Are you okay back there?" Elijah asked, riding at normal speed.

"Why would you asked that?" it was quite obvious I was.

"You can't answer a question with a question."

"Just did." I chuckled beyond the helmet.

"So are you okay?"

"I am. Why wouldn't I not be okay?"

"i don't know. What if I felt like asking?"

I laughed at how stupid this was.

"You're stupid." I raised my hand hitting his cheek playfully. He wasn't wearing a helmet since I was wearing his.

Enemies With Benefits {E.W.B} Editing✓Where stories live. Discover now