Red on White

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Very creative title hehe

Requested by CaeChap. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


You were hanging out with Jimin and Jungkook for the day. Jimin had to run a few errands for Jin since it would just be you three for the weekend. You and Jungkook decided to tag along and help Jimin. You three had a little fun before the chores were done, though, but not everything went as swimmingly as you thought it would.

You were just standing outside on the sidewalk, waiting for the traffic to pass, when Jimin back-hugged you. "Oh, hello," you giggled as he rested his head on yours.

"Hello," he grinned before walking back away from the crowd of people waiting to cross the street. He dragged you with him, and you were wondering what was up.

"What are you doing?" you asked him as he dragged you back.

"Did you by chance uh, know you were going to start today?" he wondered, and you didn't understand what he meant at first.

"What do you mean?" You went to turn around in his grasp but he wouldn't let you.

"I don't know much about the whole 'period-thing,' but I think you may have started," he told you and your eyes widened. You looked down at your white shorts and felt your face flush. You whined but Jimin kissed your head. "Don't stress," he soothed. "I told Jungkook to go in the store back there and get you something. It's not as bad as you probably think it is, but I wanted to get something before anyone else noticed."

Right on cue, Jungkook came running up, a little sweater in his hands. "I didn't know what to get so I just found something that you can wrap around your waist. It's summer, so this was really the only thing I could find," he said, handing it to you. "Will it work?"

It was just a light cardigan that you would normally wear over a dress. You nodded and took it before you wrapped it around your waist to hide over the red spot on your shorts. Jimin let go of you and when you looked at them for their approval, they both grinned. "I got black, just in case," Jungkook added, winking.

"Thank you," you stammered, your cheeks red with embarrassment.

Jimin shook his head. "Don't mention it, sis."


have a very wonderful weekend, cherubs~

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