Daily Struggles

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Requested by jiminxkookie_. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


Hoseok was always there for you when you were at your worst. You know all those people who walk away when you're in a bad mood or aren't yourself? Yeah, that's not him. He sticks around for the thick and thin, because he's not someone that's just there for the good times, but for the rough times as well.

When you have a bad day at school, he's always there with an encouraging word or two that'll lift your spirits. He cuddles with you on the couch if you don't have homework and if you do, he helps you with it and goes over it to make sure that it's right. If there was any drama you were involved in, he would help you with that, too, and give you advice about what to do.

When you're on your period, Hoseok makes sure you're stocked up on pads or tampons, though it's really awkward when he just randomly asks you about it.

"I just don't want you to be out and bleed all over your clothes and cry over it! Crying isn't allowed! Well, maybe sometimes."

He also makes sure you have ice cream in the freezer or other sweets around to keep you happy. He would locate the heating pad and put it under your bed so you could have easy access to it if you needed it for cramps. He also snuggled you to help ease the pain.

Hoseok would always be there in every other situation as well, accompanied by that bright smile of his.


hope you liked it!!

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