Art Help

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You were working on an art piece for school. You had gotten started on it a little later than expected, so you were a little behind, but there were others who hadn't even started on it. The assignment introduced you to charcoal – err, white charcoal at that. You had taken in things that were important to you – a pair of the shoes you always wore, a GOT7 CD, and a medal you had won were a few of the things you had chosen – and your teacher took a picture of them before putting it on the projector for you to trace. And since you were a little behind, once you had gotten it traced, you had taken it home to work on. You worked hard on it, trying to put in as much detail as you could into it. As you worked on it, everything to be going well. That is until you got into more of the detail-filled areas.

You had skipped dinner a few times to make sure the detail was spot on. Your medal and shoe had a lot of detail and you worked endlessly to make sure it looked good. However, when you looked at it after working on it for hours on end, you were disappointed to see that it wasn't up to par. You frowned, but before you could erase all your hard work, Taehyung had told you it would be best to walk away from it for a while and get a fresh mind before you went back to it. In other words, it was time for bed.

Said brother had to leave in the morning for a trip with some of his friends. He would be leaving early in the morning before anyone else would be awake. He had said his good-byes to everyone that night, just in case he wouldn't be able to in the morning. You had given him a tight hug and went to bed, telling him to be safe and to call you every night.

In the morning, Taehyung went downstairs to set his luggage down and wait for his ride to arrive. While he was waiting, though, he caught sight of your charcoal piece, waiting for you to come down in a few hours and work on it some more. He looked at what you had already done and grinned to himself. Looks even better than mine, he thought, proud of your hard work. He sat down to take it all in in front of him. He looked at the spot you had been working on the night before and picked up your charcoal and touched up a few spots in hopes to get you back on track. He didn't do a lot, but he left a sticky note for you saying that he added a few touches to the medal's ribbon and the shoe's laces before he had left. "I hope it helped! Erase it if you don't like it, but I thought I could help out a bit! Love you!"

When you came down later, half awake half asleep, you picked up the note and looked at your "canvas." You grinned. "That looks a whole lot better," you murmured, taking your phone out to text him a quick thank you.


lol ok i disappeared again but all is well i swear

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