Chapter 2: Miles Apart

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Melissa's POV

The sun invades my eyes as I slowly wake up from a nice nights rest. Lately with all the late call times on set I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep.

Today I have no plans at all.

I was so close to just flying down to New York for a couple hours to see Chris. But, I would be traveling all day and the have to leave right after. It didn't seem entirely worth it.

Then suddenly out of nowhere I get the urge to throw up. I jump out of bed and run to the on-suite bathroom in my apartment. And I throw up right there, but I don't even feel that sick.

I sit there on the cold bathroom floor contemplating on whether or not to go to the doctors or something.

In the end I decide to wait and see how I feel later.

Chris' POV

I roll over in my hotel bed wanting to feel her warm body lying next to me, but I'm sadly disappointed to feel the cold pillow frozen beside me.

"I miss you," I whisper to myself longing.

I lay there in the dark that is New York's morning. Turning I see the fallen rain on the huge windows that cover one wall in the vague hotel I chose to stay in.

Startling me in the silence my alarm goes off. I honestly don't know why I set it because I always seem to wake up before it.

I hop out of bed and pull on the clothes I set out last night. A pair of jeans, a nice plaid button-down shirt Melissa got me for Christmas last year.

I swing my backpack over my shoulder, slip my shoes on and grab my coat and phone, then I head out the door.

I just step onto the elevator and put my coat on when my phone starts ringing. I take a deep breath and answer it, "hello?"

Melissa's POV

I made it through my non-busy day without throwing up again so I decide that it was a one-time thing and I won't be needing any doctors appointments.

Or so I thought.

It's been five days in a row and every morning I have thrown up at least once, if not twice or three times even. I came to the conclusion I need to set up a doctors appointment.

I won't tell Chris because I'll see him in two days and I don't want to worry him.

I grab my phone from the table in my trailer.
"Hi, I would like to make a doctors appointment for tomorrow" I say to the phone, "Melissa Benoist."

There. I will go to the doctors and see what's going on.

*the next day*

"So, Melissa, what did you say you were experiencing?" asks the doctor.

"Vomiting, but only in the mornings and I never felt sick afterwards or before," I say.

"That would be morning sickness, usually a symptom of a pregnancy. Have you experienced any other strange feelings?" The doctor asks.
I silently hope that I'm not pregnant. I don't need that right now.

"No I haven't," I whisper, looking down at the floor.

"Ok well, I'm going to get you to take this and we'll see what's happening," he says as he hands me a pregnancy test.

I shut the bathroom door and take a couple deep breaths.

*minutes later*

"Ok, and it looks like it's positive. You're pregnant," the doctor informs me.

Suddenly, I'm short of air and the room feels like it's closing in on me.

"Hey, Melissa it's alright. If you come back in a couple days we can do an ultrasound for you and see how far along you are, but for now just go home and rest, okay?"

I don't say anything because I'm just shocked.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

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