Chapter 50: Willow at the Hospital

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Chris's POV

I don't like seeing my child hurt. It's a new feeling for me.

I decided to leave the hospital to sleep in my own bed instead of an uncomfartable hospital couch. They bring back memories of when Willow was born.

"I love you baby girl," I say as I kiss Willow's forehead before I leave. "I'll be back in the morning."
"Apple Jacks?" says Willow.
"You want me to bring you some?" I ask.
She nods, her gorgeous blue eyes shining in the light.

Before I reach the door, Melissa grabs my arm. "Hey, I know this is hard Chris."
I don't say anything. I smile, pull my arm from her grasp and leave.

Melissa's POV

Hopefully Chris won't leave me to sleep on a hospital couch tomorrow night because as much as I love Willow and want to stay with her, I really love my bed.

Around one in the morning I wake to Willow calling for me. "Mamma! Mamma!"
I roll off the couch and walk over to Willow. "Yes?"
"It hurts," she whines.
"What hurts Lo?"

She points to her chest.
"Okay, take a deep breath."

A nurse comes in, bringing the pump back in the room. She hooks Willow up to it then ushers me out of the room.

"We aren't sure what exactly is happening. Every time we take the pump away, her lungs still work, but not enough," the nurse tells me.
"What is causing them to not work all the way?" I ask.
"Her left lung is smaller than the average one year olds left lung."

I call Chris and tell him what happened. He said he'll come in a couple hours since it is only just past one in the morning.

Chris's POV

When Melissa called last night I thought something was seriously wrong. Which I guess it was. The doctor says Willow own't be able to leave for another couple days unless we are willing and capable to take the pump home and take care of her from there.

Melissa said we can wait a couple more days because she doesn't want to mess anything up with Willow.

"Hey Willow Marie," I say when arrive back at the hospital.

I take the Apple Jacks from my bag and she reaches her arms out to grab them. "Thank you dadda."
"You're welcome Lo-Lo."

She starts eating the cereal while I sit on the couch across the room, that I assume Melissa slept on.

Melissa sits down next to me. "How did you sleep?"
"Good. I'll stay here tonight. You can go home."
"Thank you," she turns towards me, kissing me.

Willow looks up from her cereal. "Ew dadda."
We pull apart and laugh. Willow goes back to eating.

"Chris, what's wrong?"
"I'm-This is just new for me. The pain I feel for her when she's sad hurts more than anything and I don't know how to deal with that."

"I feel it too. It's new for the both of us. We're in this together, okay? So when you're feeling something please just tell me."
"I will. Thank you."
"I'm always going to be here."

Thanks for 11k reads!!
If you guys haven't already, check out my other story "The Light of Sprousehart."

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