Chapter 6: The Appointment

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Chris's POV

I'm sitting on the couch, writing when Melissa walks in the door.

"Hey," she says.
"Hi! Are you ready for your appointment?" I ask.

"Yeah, is this the package?" she asks, walking over to the kitchen table where the package of baby clothes is.
"Yes it is" I say, turning around on the couch, "how long have you known about the pregnancy to order clothes?"
"Packages arrive pretty fast in Canada," she says pushing the box aside, look at the other mail I picked up.

I continue writing, but my mind is somewhere else.
"Chris don't be mad, I told you I wanted to tell you in person. Okay?" she tells me while walking around to sit next to me on the couch.

"Now, we are going to go see this little one," she pats the top of my head and we head out the door.

Melissa's POV

I feel like he's mad at me for not telling him sooner. At least I didn't tell the whole world then him.

"Okay, it looks like you're about 14 weeks along," says the ultrasound tech.

I look up at Chris and he's just wide-eyed staring at the little thing inside me.

"If you come back in a month or two we might be able to see the gender of the baby, if that's something you would like."

Chris's eyes leave the baby and find mine, "do you want to know?"
"Yes," I whisper.

"Okay. Well set up an appointment for you in two months, alright?"
"Sounds good," I say.

When we get in the car after the appointment he asks, "how do you feel?"
"Fine" I say, glancing over at him, "how do you feel?"
"Good. Fine, yeah," he mumbles, tightening his grip on the wheel.
"Chris," I start.
"What's the matter?" I ask, reaching over and putting his hand in mine.

"Nothing. It's just that, I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I know you're fine and happy about this all, but I know and you know this, this child is going to change everything. Our lives, what we can do, in terms of work,  travelling and more. Just know that."

He's right.
It's not just going to be the two of us anymore.

Chris's POV

I wake up suddenly to the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom. I glance over at the alarm clock and see that it's 2 in the morning.

"Melissa?" I say into the darkness as I slip out of the warmth of the bed.
"Yeah? I'm fine. Just," she whispers.

I reach the bathroom and turn on one of the light. There she is, sitting on the white tiled floor in her favourite pyjamas, her hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail while she leans against the grey vanity with both hands resting on her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I  ask, sitting next to her, resting my hand in her cheek.
"It hurts," she whispers, closing her eyes.
"What hurts?"
"My whole body," she moans and rests her head on my shoulder.
"It's okay darling."

Sorry for not updating in forever! I actually have 17 chapters written lol but I haven't been uploading them.

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