Chapter 68: Proud

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Melissa's POV

I'm twenty-five weeks pregnant. I have a short film star boyfriend and a two year old daughter.

As I stare blindly into my closet, I wonder how in the world I got here.

Chris comes up behind me, putting his hands around me. One on each side of my baby bump. He kisses my cheek lightly. "Hi," he whispers so quietly only I would've heard it.

"Hi," I whisper back.
"Having trouble?" he asks, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Yeah, none of these dresses will look good with what you and Willow are wearing."

He lets go and walks in front of me. "You're announcing it?"
I smile. "Yeah are you okay with that?"
"Of course Melissa. Anything you think is right, is right."
I pull my phone from my pocket. "What should I say?"

"Do you have that picture of me by the balloons from when I first found out still?" he asks.
"Of course," I say.

I find the picture, click on it, then add a black and white filter to it.

"Okay, what should the caption be?" I ask Chris.
"Your call," he tells me.

I think for a second, then type 'proud father of angel number two.'
"Love it," he whispers, then holds up a dress. "You should wear this one."
"I agree."

He hands me the dress then presses 'share' on my phone.

"Hey!" I groan he walks away.
"It'll be fine!" he remarks.

I set my phone down on the bed with the dress just as Willow comes running into the room, crying.

"Willow!" I say. "What happened?"
"Perri hurt me," she says, lifting her hand to show me.

I hold her hand in mine. "There's not that much blood, Willow. You'll be fine. Do you want a Band-Aid?"
"Yeah," she sobs.

I keep her hand in mine as I lead her over to the bathroom where Chris had gone to floss his teeth.

"What happened, Lo?" he asks.
I pull open the drawer with the Band-Aids. "Perri must have just scratched her."
"Oh," he says.

I wrap the Band-Aid around Willow's finger. "Are you ready to go to daddy's movie premiere?" I ask Willow.
"Yeah." She smiles.

Chris's POV

My short film is premiering tomorrow night and I'm super nervous. None of my work has ever been shared before. What will everyone think?

Not to mention Melissa had to announce her pregnancy so she could come. I told her that it was fine, that we could work around it, but she disagreed, saying it would just make everything harder. She said, "everyone will think I'm a bad girlfriend if I seem like I'm not there."

I replied, "it doesn't matter if everyone thinks you're a bad girlfriend. I know you're not and that's all that matters."

She still posted about it and I'm not going to complain. It was her decision and I respect her decisions.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile. I've actually been working on another Melwood Fanfiction which is taking up a lot of my writing time.

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