Chapter 67: Supergirl Cast Reunion

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Melissa's POV

Today is going to be an interesting day.

Today is the Supergirl cast reunion, even though the show just finished not that long ago.

I called when it first got announced and asked if the date could get moved farther back. I guarantee someone is going mistakenly announce my pregnancy to the world and I really don't want or need that.

Another thing is that we're bringing Willow with us. We kind of don't have another option.

I'm in Willow's room deciding what she should wear when Chris comes in holding a phone to his ear.

"It's Greg," he whispers.
I nod and he hands me the phone. "Hello?"
"Melissa? Hi!" Greg's voice comes through the phone. "I called just to make sure you were attending tonight."
"I am, yes."

I glance up at Chris who is now holding Willow in his arms. He makes a gesture with his hands, go on.

"Will there be photographers there?" I ask.
"I believe so, yes," he replies.
"Oh, okay. Well could we inform them not to release any pictures of me unitl like mid-December?" I ask
"I'm sure that won't be a problem, but could I ask, why?"

"I'm expecting my second child in early December and I would like to keep it private."
"Congradulations and yes we can make sure none of the pictures are released."
"Thank you so much."

I hang up and hand Chris's phone back to him.

"All good?" he asks.
"All good."

Chris's POV

The second we walk into the place the 'reunion' is being held I feel Melissa's hand stiffen in mine.

"Mel, it'll be fine. I promise," I tell her.

She smiles at me quickly before it fades. Meanwhile, Willow is pretending to be asleep on my shoulder.

Chyler approaches us first. "Hey. How're you guys?"
"We're good," Melissa answers.

"Chris!" David exclaims as he walks up to us. "I've missed you, man."
I shake his hand firmly since I have a sleeping child in my arms and can't hug him. "I've missed you as well."

"How's the family?" David asks.
"Sleepy," I laugh.

We make it farther into the event, stopping every few seconds to talk to someone. After an hour or so Willow decides she wants to be put down, but the second her feet touch the ground, she grabs my hand with both of her hands.

Melissa gets tired of standing after awhile, so we find a place to sit on the side. I check my phone to see the time. It's almost nine at night. Willow usually goes to bed at seven thirty, Melissa usually at nine thirty or ten.

"I'm exhausted," Melissa whispers to me.
"I know, you're doing great."

Willow starts bouncing up and down on my leg. "How do you still have energy?" I ask her.
She laughs a little, but proceeds to bounce.

After being at the reunion for five hours, we tell everyone goodbye and head home.

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