Chapter 5: Reunited

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Melissa's POV

It feels like years before my alert that I set goes off to pick up Chris from the airport.

I've kept busy, the last few days by reading and researching some baby tips. I like to be prepared.

When I see him I jump out of the car and fly into his arms.

"I missed you so much," I whisper into his ear.
"I missed you too love," he whispers back.

When we get into the car and I start driving he says, "how's the little one?"
"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow after the morning set call," I say.
"Do you want me to come with you?" he asks and I can tell he's really unsure and nervous about this all.
"Yes, that would be great," I tell him, smiling.

Chris's POV

I don't know what to do about this all. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy and glad that it's Melissa I'm having my first child with, but I don't know how to make she knows that.

I lay in bed watching Melissa sleep because it's peaceful and reassuring in someway.
I look down at her stomach and silently wonder what our child will look like. Probably as gorgeous as Melissa, blue eyes, golden brown hair, but maybe a narrower face like mine.

I think it'll be a girl because Melissa has two sisters and I had one so there's more likely just more girl genes.

In the morning when I wake up Melissa isn't in bed, but there's a note in her place.

It reads:

I got called to set earlier than I thought so I'll be home before the appointment. There's waffles in the freezer for you to heat up. Don't forget your medicine!

I smile while reading the note then get up to heat up the waffles.

I jump when the doorbell ringing suddenly. I pull on a shirt and run to open the door, but it's just a package.

I pick it up and bring it inside. I pull the scissors out of the kitchen drawer and cut open the box.

I'm somewhat surprised to see a bunch of baby clothes. I shut the box and set it aside to get my waffles.

I text Mel that a package came and then I sit down to eat my breakfast.

Melissa's POV

I'll have to tell the Supergirl production team that I'm pregnant soon so I can do all the stunts and flying scenes before my bump is really big.

Keeping it from all my castmates is already hard enough. I did message my mom and asked her if we could talk a couple days ago, but she hasn't responded yet.

Chris's sister had a baby recently so I could talk to her I guess.

After I'm done shooting for the morning I jump in the car and head back to the apartment.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm really enjoying writing these for you all!

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