Chapter 30: Emotional Disaster

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Melissa's POV

It's been three days since Chris's mom arrived. She's been a great help with Willow, which has been wonderful for Chris and I. Chris has driven me to set the past two days and he stayed and watched yesterday which was fun.

But today I have a therapist appointment and I don't want Chris to know. He already has been doing most of the parenting with Willow and I don't want him to think any less of me than he already has.

It's 12pm. I'm sitting on the couch reading, Chris is making lunch and his mom is putting Willow to bed for her nap. My appointment is at 3pm. I have less than 3 hours to figure out an excuse to leave without Chris becoming suspicious. Which will be hard to do.

He comes and sits down on the other side of the couch with his favourite lunch that I think is pretty gross. Peanut butter and pickles.

"You want some?" he asks me jokingly.
"I'm good," I say, looking at him with a disgusted face.
He turns on the TV and starts eating his sandwich.

It's 2:10pm. I have to leave soon or I'll miss the appointment altogether.

"I just got a reminder," I say, pretending to look down at my phone. "There's a show downtown that I was going to go to."

I pack up my bag and put my shoes and coat on.

"I'll come with you," Chris says, getting off the couch.
Dang it. He can't come.

"No, it's fine. You stay here with Willow and your mom."
"My mom can take care of Willow. I'll come with you," he protests.
"Chris, it's fine honestly."
"Why don't you want me to come with you?" he asks, walking towards me.
"They're probably out of tickets anyways," I make up.

"If they're out of tickets then you can go by yourself," he says and I relax a little. "But we'll have to see if they are."
I tense up again.

He gets his shoes on and opens the door, but I don't move.

"I don't have to go," I say, my heart beating really fast in my chest. "I know you don't want to leave Willow."
"I haven't gotten out of this apartment in forever. This will be good for the both of us. Let's go."

I can't tell him. Don't break. Stay strong.

I push out of the door and he follows.

"Melissa," he says. "What's wrong? Why won't you let me go with you?"
"What?" He snaps. "What are you actually going to do?"

When I don't answer he continues, "are you going to see another guy, are you going on a secret mission, visiting a friend? What is it?"
"No," I say.

"No what?" he asks, more calmly than before. "Melissa, we have a baby together. That connection will never fade. Our daughter will always be here. So, if you're trying to leave, then leave."

I can't believe it has come to this. I know deep down this is him protecting his daughter and I respect that.
I walk past him and go to the appointment. I'll tell him afterwards.

Chris's POV

I tell my mom that I'm going out and follow Melissa out, but she takes the car and I can't follow her on foot.

I leave the parking garage and go to the waterfront. I stand by the water, thinking over what just happened.
Melissa and I tell each other everything. Why was this time different? What is she not telling me now?

This absolutely broke my heart to write, but I promise it will get better.
P.S. Does anyone actually like peanut butter and pickles?

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