Chapter 46: One Another

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Melissa's POV

When we got home from set Willow was still full of energy, so I decided to make some dinner then go shopping for her room.

"Can you say shopping?" I ask her after I've finished making noodles.

She stands below me with her hands outstretched, trying to grab the bowl from my hand.
"Can you say shop-ping?" I repeat.
"Shhupin," she forces out of her mouth.

I hand her the bowl and grab a spoon from the drawer for her. "Here you go Lo."
She runs over to the table. 'Hey! Hey, hey. What do you say?"
She turns towards me. "Tinks."
"You're welcome Lo-Lo."

After we've finished our noodles, I wipe off Willow's face with a cloth and then we get ready to leave again at 6 pm.

Chris's POV

You know when you just love something so much that it hurts you so much to be away from it? That's what I feel like right now.

I still have six days in Atlanta. I'm trying to enjoy my time here and I am, but it's hard to concentrate when I know my girls are out there having fun and making memories without me.

I'm out to dinner with the crew and other producers of the short film. Derek just told everyone a joke, so everyone just erupted into laughter except me. I feel left out of the joke, so I quickly force a laugh. It ends up sounding really strained, so I quickly stop it before anyone notices.

Melissa's POV

I didn't know one and a half year olds could be so picky. Everything I point out to Willow she either grabs it, inspects it, then sets it down or shakes her head wildly.

I should've just dropped her off at Chyler's house and done this by myself.

I end up choosing a bed, a carpet and a few pictures frames at one store then some bed sheets at another. Willow doesn't approve, but will she ever?

The next day, we go to set for three hours in the morning starting at 6 am. Willow cried and cried that she didn't want to get out of bed, but then she ended up falling asleep in the car.

"Willow!" laughed Chyler when I pulled into the parking lot.
"Were you waiting for her? I ask. "Because she's sleeping."
"I guess it is only 5;30 am."

I lift Willow out of her car seat and she groans a little at the sudden movements.

"Hey sleepy head."
I close the door and grab my bag from the trunk.

As we walk through the halls people wave at me and smile at the sleeping one year old in my arms.

"Say hi Lo," I tell her when David Harewood passes us.
She waves shyly and he greets her. "Good morning miss Willow."

I was shocked when I arrived on set the first time after Willow was born and everyone didn't completely ignore me because I set back their paychecks. I guess either it wasn't a huge deal to them, or they held back their hatred very well. Either way, I'm grateful for them.

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