Chapter 13: New York Again?

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Chris's POV

"I have no clue how to put this together Melissa," I complain, staring at a pile of pieces that are supposed to equal a crib.
"I believe in you," she says while holding back a laugh.

I stand up and walk over to her, "I can't believe she's due in 8 weeks."
"Me neither," she whispers placing my hands on her bump, just in time to feel a baby moving inside.
"She's being ferocious today," I laugh.
"She without a name," Melissa teases.
"Too bad you don't like any of my ideas," I groan, kissing her lips quickly before trying to put the crib together again.

"I just want her to have the perfect name."
"I know darling," I say, lifting up a random piece or the crib.
"That's maybe a leg?" she giggles.
"Huh. Maybe."
"I ordered some clothes for her and they should be here soon," she says, sitting down on the bed.

Melissa's POV

I don't like not being able to go out and walk around downtown Vancouver. Smell the city, go to coffee shops and hearing the water when we walk down by the waterfront.

Since I refuse to go out and expose the baby secret I won't get any of those things.
After she's born though and I've recovered, I'll definitely be walking around downtown again.


"Hey, Mel?" Chris says, walking into the living room where I'm sitting on the couch.
"I just got a call" he starts, "I'm being asked to go back down to New York for 5 days. I told them probably not because of family stuff."
"Chris," I take a deep breath. As much as I don't want him to leave again, it's the same as last time. A good opportunity for him and his career.
"Go" I say, "I can ask Chyler to come stay with me if anything happens and maybe she could put that crib together."
"Melissa, are you sure?"
"I'm so sure. This is good for you."
"Okay, I love you," he says smiling.
"I love you too," I whisper and kiss him lightly.
"Thank you," he says and then leaves the room to call them back.

Chris's POV

I can't sleep at all. What if I go to New York for 5 days and something happens to Melissa? Or the baby is born early?

I shouldn't go.
I won't leave her and the baby.

"Chris, go to sleep. Stop worrying. Little one and I'll be fine. You're going to go to New York and everything will be fine. I promise you," Melissa says, surprising me in the darkness with the sureness or her voice.
"Okay," I whisper.
"Okay," she says.

Hope y'all enjoyed!

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