Yandere Rin Toesaka X Male Mage Reader

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You were trying to be as quiet as you could be, the sweat pouring off of your body and your panting seeming to echo in your ears as you did your best to hide from your former friend, if you could even call Rin that. She always had seemed a bit distant from you, like she had something to hide, but you didn't really care as you wanted to reach out and give her someone she could rely on.

But it wasn't like you didn't have secrets yourself, especially of the magical kind. And you had hoped to keep it that way, at least...until Shirou Emiya was killed by something no one knew anything about. That's when you went and visited his house to try and find any evidence about what happened to him. While rummaging around, you discovered a magic circle and your eyes widened, the sight being something your mother had taught you about. It was to summon a servant for the next Holy Grail war, and that's when it clicked. And, on an impulse, you completed it and summoned a servant, Saber class.

That's how it had started, with you unaware that the girl you'd been trying to be friends with was watching you and balling up her fists, furious that she was so careless as to give you the chance you'd just taken. 

Rin: "Damn it. I tried to stop that summon and protect him, and now he's the one that summoned Saber!" 

After you'd gotten over it and stretched, you got an odd feeling and whipped around, catching a glimpse of a red top and black hair fluttering around a corner. You almost followed, but Saber held you back and warned you against it. Sighing and taking her advice, you simply headed home with a tense Saber by your side. 

(Y/N): "Something wrong, Saber? Or this just how you normally are?"

Saber shook her head and readied her weapon. Before she could speak, she quickly sliced an arrow out of the air and glared in the direction it came from. 

Saber: "Master, watch out! Stay behind me, I'll deal with Archer!"

You nod as you hear a familiar and aggravated voice from the darkness. 

Rin: "That was supposed to kill Saber in one shot! Archer, can't you be less useless?" 

A white haired, red clothed guy next to Rin growls but forms two blades, ready to attack.

Archer: "Kill the Master of Saber, right Rin? He looks weak."

Rin: "If you really have to. Try to kill Saber only though. I want (Y/N) only."

You growl and get ready, rolling up your sleeve and showing a lengthy glowing crest, ready to battle. As Rin tries to fire a red shot at you, you simply dodge and fire a black one back. 

Rin: "Hey! Make this easy on yourself and stay still so I can hit you!"

In response, you fire once, straight into the ground, and run, leaving Saber to deal with Archer on her own.

Which led to your current situation, with you exhausted from running from the more athletic Rin, who seemed to dodge everything you shot or knocked over. Luckily, you had managed to avoid her and hide, but not before she'd gotten a lucky shot. It wasn't lethal, but it was enough to leave a nasty bruise, and a cut as well.

(Y/N): "This fucking hurts...she could've killed me, but she didn't. I'll find out why after I escape, but..." 

A sharp pain runs through your head and you sigh, knowing that Archer had managed to kill Saber due to your lack of magical energy. Setting your mind to your current task, you listen for any sounds, but there wasn't any to hear. You smile and exit the closet in the building you were in, only to be tackled and pinned by the only one you'd hoped not to be found by. Rin.

(Y/N): "Guess I'm about to die, huh? I thought I'd at least last a day."

Rin tilts her head as her magical circuit glows, ready to fire another blast into my face as need be.

Rin: "I'm not going to kill you, (Y/N). I'm just protecting you from other mages. So now..." She grins with an almost demonic look in her eye. "You belong to me."

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