Uno: Changes

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June 13th, 6:47 AM

Cleo heard Panic at the Disco playing in the kitchen. Could it be? She left the basement and saw the tall girl with long black hair in a high ponytail in all her scarred, leathery glory. She broke into a smile as Jimena turned around. "Surprise," the other squad members came in one by one. "You're home!" Everyone in the condo was overjoyed. But wait, someone was missing. "Where's May?" Jimena asked. "Still sleeping. I don't know where she was or what she was doing, but she came home at around 1 am, hungry and very tired. She just fell asleep on the couch. I tried to wake her up so she could eat something, but she was just out. Shortly after, Mettaton moved her to bed. I suggest you make lots of breakfast, she's probably going to be ravenous when she wakes up," "Right. Anyway, what have you guys been up to?" Where did they even begin with this eventful year?

7:04 AM

May woke up to the sound of her rumbling stomach. "Well that explains the dream," she thought. The chances of an earthquake happening here were the same as Maddie turning down a workout. She checked the time. "Oh damn, I slept in so late," she walked downstairs in her pink paintbrush pajamas. Wait, when did she change into pajamas? Did she do that in her sleep? Oh yeah, Mettaton carried her up to bed, lay out the pajamas, then left briefly to let her change. Guess she was too tired to remember. She entered the kitchen to find Jimena was home. Yay! So many things were improved now. A, Cleo's mental health, B, a new perspective on everything, C, a new person to tell important stuff, D, no more injustice! Now, breakfast! Bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, yummy! With her belly nice and full, she crawled up to Mettaton and cuddled with him on the couch. "Hey Mr. Sexy," she received some pets, a blanket, and a warm embrace. Zzzzzz...

7:56 AM

Mettaton held sleepy little May in his arms. He pictured little 'z's floating up from her little head. She was muttering something, but no words could be made out. What could she be dreaming about? She turned onto her side, her eyelids tightened. "No, the sexy robot is mine," she sat upright, holding Mettaton as if he was about to fall off a bridge. "You can't take him away from me!" Everyone came in. They were all surprised when Papyrus knew what to do. Well, maybe they shouldn't have been. His brother was very prone to night terrors after all. He told them to just keep any dangerous objects away and wait for her to wake up on her own. When that happened, she hid under the blanket, shaking in Mettaton's arms. "Shhhhhhhhhhhh, Metta's here, it's okay," Seeing that Mettaton had it from here, the others gave them some time alone. Some snuggles, pets and heat magic calmed her until she realized... She didn't take a bath! "How long have I been asleep?" she asked. "About an hour," She got up. "So I've been covering you in my filth for an hour? Excuse me while I go clean myself, I suggest you do the same, however you do that," Classic May. But seriously, Mettaton could hardly touch water, so how did he get clean? He had to be doing it somehow. If he was dirty, May would know.

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