Cuarenta y Nueve: One Step...

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July 20th, 11:53 AM

April wrapped up the hose and walked back into the kitchen for lunch. Not seeing Papyrus in the kitchen, she looked in the fridge. Apples... carrots... seriously? No leftovers or pre-made meals? Ugh, guess she would skip lunch today.

2:41 PM

Papyrus walked into the living room to find April laying on the couch, looking annoyed. Guess she didn't find anything she wanted in the fridge. Not wanting to upset her more, he just crept into the kitchen. April turned her head to find a couple of apples on the coffee table. At first, she just turned away from them, as she was after spaghetti and meatballs, but she figured she probably wouldn't get it, so she just snatched them and walked up to her room.

6:02 PM

April just stayed up in her room, scolding any part of her brain that told her to go down to the kitchen and get food. "Stop it," she told herself. "Stay up here," but it would be time for dinner soon! "You'll just get a stomachache," but she couldn't just starve. Her thoughts were interrupted when she could smell dinner being made. She couldn't contain herself anymore and sped downstairs into the kitchen. What was Papyrus cooking tonight? Soup?...but...soup was for when people were sick. Did someone in the squad have indigestion or something? Or did someone actually order a soup? Whatever the case, she sat down at the table and patiently waited. Others began gathering at the table. There was Cleo right next to her, followed by the twins and Ellie, then Maddie and Steve, Jimena, and finally May and Mettaton. Papyrus began passing out the soup, broccoli cheddar apparently, and all the others began to eat, even May, and she never wanted to eat anything. She looked down at her bowl and sipped from her spoon. Eh, not disgusting, but she was feeling hungry so, down the hatch. Hm, that was actually pretty good. Wait what? Hm...she never really craved soup, the concept of it always sounded weird to her. A big pot of meat and vegetables boiled in water for hours, who would want that? But now, tasting some, it was kinda yummy.

6:09 PM

Papyrus walked into the living room to find April asleep on the couch, well, the upper half of her body on the arm of the couch, facing up. Seeing no way that could be comfortable, he lifted her up and wrapped her in a blanket, setting her down in a cozier position. She briefly opened her eyes just a bit and flashed a half smile. Seeing that made Papyrus smile too. He knew it was a good idea to make soup tonight. He nodded at himself, happy with today's progress.

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