Treinta y Uno: Something Fun

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July 12th 3:07 AM

Mettaton returned home to find May was working on a puzzle, a galaxy puzzle. Turns out she had fallen asleep on the job. As always, he walked over to the couch and hooked his arms around her. But something strange happened. In the 2 years he had been with May, he could always scoop her up and carry her places with little to no effort, tonight however, he struggled just to lift her off the couch! Maybe it was his newly repaired leg, but he couldn't just leave her on the couch, and he definitely couldn't wake her up! Guess he would just have to haul May over to bed. "...mmh...I smell skeleton musk on were with him...I knew it..." well that was some very strange sleep talk!

6:13 AM

Mettaton saw May had just left her bath and put clothes on. Her morning routine complete, she made her way for the couch, patiently waiting for breakfast. She opened up her sketchbook and began drawing on a new page. As the blank white paper turned into a complete comic scene, she couldn't help but feel something was off. She had completed a drawing uninterrupted. Usually, food would be set down in front of her halfway through. She looked around and noticed Mettaton was sitting next to her. She jumped a little at the surprise but was happy to see him. "What's up?!" Mettaton put his arm around May and sat back into the couch pulling her back with him. "So, I've been thinking about something that I think needs changing around here," He saw May's eye began twitching as if she was about to scream "NOOO!" but he continued before she could get defensive. " have any plans for today?" He asked, knowing that would get May thinking. "...drawing...playing video games...cuddling with you...checking Aidem..." She scooched closer to him, clearly trying to subtly get snuggles.  "So you're not...going out or seeing anyone...?" May crawled into his lap. "'m just gonna be here with you...I love being with you...snuggling with you..." She nuzzled into the best spot but Mettaton was just laying there. What was she supposed to do with a one-sided cuddle? "Are you ok?" she pressed her forehead against his chest. When he didn't respond she sat up a bit and looked at him confused. He was looking at her, but he had a concerned look on his face. Then quickly it brightened as if a great idea just popped in his head. "Have you been out to check on your street dogs lately?" May shrugged, "No... not in a while actually but I'm sure their owners are taking good care of them." Mettaton nodded, anticipating that response. "That's right I always forget they have real homes. I just always think they're like the other dogs in the pound and shelters who have no one. "May's face instantly fell in sadness. "They don't have anyone to care for them?" Mettaton was quick to respond, knowing he had May right where he wanted her. "Well there's the staff, but they are so understaffed. They are always asking for volunteers," May jumped up instantly. "Oh my god, Take me there now!" She dashed into the bedroom, speeding back out with basil green leggings, a solid pink t-shirt, and one of Mettaton's heavy rain jackets. "Let's go," she already had his keys and made her way to the passenger seat in his car.

9:42 PM

Mettaton parked his car in the driveway and was about to carry a sleeping May into the house, but then he began thinking, carrying her was another reason why she was, but he liked holding her in his arms and tucking her into bed! oh well...he gently woke her up and began walking inside. May hauled herself out of the car and followed him in, about to fall asleep on his shoulder, but he just kept walking into the bedroom with her on his tail. She followed him into bed and snuggled up to him. "Did you have fun today?" she nodded, already taking her place as Mettaton's blanket.  "You wanna do it again tomorrow?" he could hear a little "mm-hm," and wrapped his arms around her. "Then it's a date," he whispered to the already unconscious May. 

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