Treinta y Seis: No...

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July 17th, 5:27 AM

Mettaton was just laying there, in bed, with May practically glued onto him, fast asleep. Mettaton gently detached himself from her as slowly as possible. As much as he liked being close to her, and it's not that she was heavy by any need, he just needed some space. Constantly supporting May, figuratively and literally, is getting old quickly. On autopilot, Mettaton went to the kitchen and scrambled up some eggs and bacon. While mindlessly going through the process of cooking a whirlwind of thoughts were going on inside his head. "She needs her own life, literally all her thoughts are centered around me, she needs to understand that there is more to life than just love life, I do love her though and having her around is really nice, but not all the time, how can I get her to move back?" The smell of the mostly done food must have woken May because she was sitting at the table fork and knife in each hand eagerly awaiting the plate of food. Out of habit, he was about to prepare the plate for her when instead he started making his own and called out. "Come and get some," in a cheery, nonchalant tone. Despite that, May looked shocked, she slowly walked over to the counter staring at the plate, one of clean and two will full of bacon and eggs. She watched Metaton use a fork to scrape some bacon on his plate and then repeated the process with the eggs. For the first time ever, May was suddenly aware that she had never prepared her own plate with Mettaton. She became extremely aware of how such a small gesture showed how much Mettaton truly catered to her. She put a few slices of bacon and more eggs than she would normally eat on her plate. She had a feeling it was going to be a long day. She sat down cautiously, ready to get up the minute things got overwhelming. " know I love you...right?" Mettaton was not about to just bluntly say 'move the f**k out'. Should he do that, it might as well be game over. And he didn't want game over, he didn't even want to pause the game. He just...wanted to move on in the story. "...Yes...?" May replied cautiously, clearly a mixture of 'I don't want my answer to piss you off' and 'I don't trust you enough to answer that with confidence'. Mettaton knew he had to tread carefully, as every independence lesson cost him a bit of May's trust. It had gotten to this very awkward point where May would still go to him for comfort but she wouldn't look his way. Guess that's what happened when you were losing trust in the only person you could turn to. Both May and Mettaton had to figure out the balance between being able to trust someone when you need them, and not needing that all the time, or for every little thing. " know how we've been...together the past two years..." May was confident enough to reply "Yeah, the way we started out was a minefield of red flags but we're okay now...right?" She wasn't sure. What happened to them? Why was he starting to push her away? "Yeah with your lack of knowledge of how to flirt and me being a corrupted d****e we were terrible at the time, anyway back on topic...remember those discovery logs we read together?" May was confused. "Yeah...we never finished them..." "Well...what I do that you have survived quite a rough life..." May refused to walk that way. "Yeah I spent the first 11 years of my life in a dystopia can we please not talk about it?...Ever?..." Mettaton put his hands up in an "I surrender" position. "I'm not bringing that up to upset you, I just think you need a reminder of how strong and...independent you can be, when you need to,"  While he was talking, Mettaton had taken a hold of May's hands and was looking at her intently, trying to make her read his mind so he didn't have to say this next time. "What, have I been selected to play in the Hunger Games or something like that?" Mettaton couldn't hold back a chuckle and pulled her into a hug. She all but melted in his arms. "Nothing nearly that dramtic." May perked up, he could almost see the exact moment the idea pop into the head "Are you sending me to Hogwarts?!" This time he let out a good belly laugh. "May, come on you know Hogwarts isn't re-" He stopped at the horrified expression on May's face. "Uhh, we'll talk about that later I guess." She put her head back on his chest. "May, I think you should move back to the condo." He didn't mean to say it that bluntly, but he didn't know what else to do. He instantly felt May stiffen against him, she slowly pulled out of his arms. The look on her face was nothing he had ever seen. It was void of emotions, he was afraid that May would be fully sobbing at this point. He would have preferred that compared to this vacant blank expression. He already regretted saying anything. He could see the last true piece of trust May had for him was gone. He wanted to take it all back, but the deed was done. He tried to hold onto her tighter, but she wrestled out of his arms and stood far away from him, her arms wrapped around herself protectively. "I'll just pack my things th-" May looked around, realizing then that she didn't have much here. Mettaton quickly walked towards her, "May, wait, I'm sorry I just wanted some space, you don't-" He was cut off by May quickly walking backward away from him. She had always wanted to be as close to him as possible, except, for now, May kept a good 10-15 feet between them. "You want some space?" May was livid, and couldn't hide the anger on her face even if she tried. Mettaton couldn't decide what was worse, May angry, or May without any emotion. Either one was terrifying. Mettaton tried to fill in space again "No! I mean I did, but I just thought if we didn't live together..." May was too quick and had the door open before he could finish the sentence. "You know what? F**k you!" May's rage filled up her eyes in the form of tears as she left with a weak "Who would wanna with a d****e like you anyway?..." He wanted to run after her, he wanted to scoop her back into his arms and make her forget everything. He wanted to see the trust and love in her eyes again, not the tear-filled anger that he last saw. He wanted to do a lot of things, instead, he slumped down onto the couch, staring up at his ceiling.

5:41 AM

May walked through the front door to the condo and immediately walked up to what used to be her room. Completely untouched since she left. She hoped she could simply settle back in without anyone noticing, but then the cats walked in. She bent down and whispered to them, "If anyone asks, I still live with...him," she couldn't even bring herself to say his name. She just needed a little time to cool off and decide what she was going to do about him when she was able to think rationally. the kitten scattered. And May curled into her old bed. Despite how horrible she felt, and that she was here, not under the best circumstances. It felt really good to be in her bed again. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

8:25 AM

May woke up and had a feeling she was being watched. She rolled over letting out a scream when she came face to face with... "April?!? What are you doing here?" April stood up straight with that classic smirk on her face. "Uh... I could ask you the same thing...or did you forget you don't live here?!" Maybe it was the malice in her sisters' voice or the memories from last night. But May dropped her head to her knees and started to cry. "S**t..." it's safe to say they have never really been that close, but see May cry... She must be here due to some kind of drama with ... him. April sat on the bed and gingerly pat May on the knee. "There...there," That was all the encouragement May needed. She launched herself to April, needing a hug. "He said he wanted me to move back here, because he 'needed his own space'. D****ebag!" April took a big breath, not only was her personal bubble being popped, which she never liked, it was being popped by her sister. She could tell she was hurting and if May would talk to her of all people, it must be really bad. "I'm assuming your talking about tin-can for brains?" April flinched, anticipating May to lash out due to that insult. She was surprised to feel May shake, was she laughing. "May sat back a bit keeping her hands on Aprils knees needing the support. She used the back of her hands to wipe away the tears. "Yep. Guess I was too good for that asshole, I'm never dating a guy again, I'll just start dating girls," May then realized what she said. "Wait, nevermind, if anyone decides to be lesbian, it should be because you like girls, not because you hate guys," There were 2 seconds of silence. "Forget I said anything, I'm just gonna move back in," Now it was Aprils' turn to laugh. May raised an eyebrow at her. It was clear May didn't understand why her moving back was so funny. April cleared her throat, relishing in the fact that she got to break this news to her. May was finally going to get a reality check and see that her actions have consequences. "May, we've all been actually pretty happy since you randomly decided to move out. Speaking of which, you never told anyone. One day you just never came back from Mettaton's. We all thought you stayed there because the boys were fighting, but even when that was still stayed away. That hurt our-" She coughed, trying to cover up the fact that she almost admitted that she missed May. "Their feelings," May's face turned bright red. April didn't want to totally crush her, as she was already hurting from her and Mettaton's fight. "That's not to say that we-" She there she goes again. "I mean THEY missed you. You just have to earn your place back. Get back in their good graces," At first, May wanted to dash out of the house, middles fingers up and blazing, but then she remembered that there was nowhere else for her to go. She could either live her with all of her friends in an amazing house, or on the streets. May looked up at April for the first time, the blush leaving her cheeks. "What do I have to do?"

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