Cincuenta y Nueve: ???

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April 1st, 4:27 PM

It was a slow day at the grocery store. Not too many customers and few of them really bought much. So little was there to keep April entertained while standing there at the register, or so she thought before a certain someone started loading items onto the conveyor belt. They had cheese, milk, eggs, basic food that you couldn't find anywhere besides the grocery store. "Papyrus?" He looked just as surprised as she did. "¿Viniste aquí a espiarme señor?" She wouldn't expect any less. "No. Crees que haría eso?" April rolled her eyes and scanned everything on the belt. Considering he was buying quite a bit, he was either planning a feast or restocking the fridge. Sadly, the second one was more likely, so she handed him the receipt and looked down as he walked away, the aching void slowly growing in her torso continuing to eat her soul. 

6:13 PM

April walked back to the condo and into the kitchen, where Papyrus was undoubtedly cooking something. What, she couldn't tell but it smelt so good...she hated it! Couldn't he have at least made something that smelt bad so the inability to get a taste wouldn't be such torture?! Wait, where was he going? Maybe she could sneak a bite while he was away? No, if anything, one bite would turn into the whole damn thing. Nevermind, he was walking towards her, he would see her coming a mile away. "Hola," nope, no chance now. "Go change into something nice, I'm taking you out," he knew the first thing she was going to say and answered her question before she could open her mouth to ask. "Yes love, there will be food, but you will have to be patient, there's something I want to talk to you about first," Screw conversation, there would be food and that was enough to send her up to her room looking for something pretty, but not too over the top. Soon, she had a black and white floral shirt, black heeled combat boots, white yoga pants, a black infinity scarf, a white jacket, black hoop earrings, white eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. All ready to go!

6:39 PM

The car was really nice, comfortable, warm, but April was still picking up the smell that was driving her insane. She had the seat reclined all the way back as she had traced it to the back, but she couldn't quite reach with the seatbelt, but taking it off would make it obvious what she was trying to do, of course, knowing Papyrus, he already knew all of her tricks, and he rolled down the windows so fresh air would come in. It helped, but the smell didn't completely fade. About halfway through the ride, she gave up and lay on her side, facing the closed door. How long had they been in here and how far were they going? She knew that her patience would be rewarded with food, but she had no idea how much she had left. Hopefully enough, because they were slowing down. She moved the seat back up as they stopped. As she unbuckled and stepped out, she saw Papyrus grabbing something covered in a black cloth out of the back. So that was where the smell was coming from. She knew exactly what he had: food. Aye, this was getting harder by the minute. And what were they doing in the woods at night?

6:48 PM

The two found a spot and set everything up. Papyrus had been mentally rehearsing what he wanted to say as they were walking and noticed something hiding under April's jacket sleeves while doing so. He knew what they were, and that she had at least one around her neck too. Why else would she be hiding her face in her scarf? Now, the talk. "April, I know you're thinking, 'just give me food right now' but there is something we need to discuss. We talk first, then eat. And I know you're not a fan of conversation, so maybe this..." he opened a deck of cards and began shuffling "...would pique your interest?" just as he expected, April immediately perked up at the idea of a poker game. Now, time to kick his ass!

6:51 PM

April looked at her fanned out cards, feeling confident in what she had. She loved this game, as not only was it fun, rewarding if you're really good (which of course she was), and a great way to kill time, but the best part was the win, reasserting her dominance over her opponents, and she had to give Papyrus the much-needed reminder of who's boss. The time came to show their hands. "Soy jefa, recuerdas? Ahora, comida," Poker was great, but she had bigger manners to address: food was sitting in the baskets when it should be sitting in her belly! Okay, she showed her hand: 1 queen, 2 kings, 2 aces, 2 jacks, she was done with the conversation over poker and this win would-- "¿Estás seguro de eso?" Papyrus showed his hand: 2 aces, 2 kings, 3 queen--THREE QUEENS?! She hoped the day would never come but alas, here it was, she had just lost the game she had been famous for never having lost! Dammit, there goes her reputation. "Alright, that's enough poker for tonight, now close your eyes," What was he up to now? She already had to listen to his needlessly long "apology" which was very hard to hear over the sound of her stomach and now this? Did he even know her at all? If he really wanted to apologize, then he would've just fed her right away. Couldn't he see that she needed food right this very moment? Nonetheless, she did as instructed, if it would get her closer to getting food, then so be it. She could tell that he was removing her scarf, and her jacket, not good! But if she fought to keep it on, it would be even more obvious she was hiding something. Either way, he would see what else she was wearing. God, this was going to be embarrassing. Well, it couldn't be too strange to start gnawing on things due to lack of food, could it? For an elementary schooler that might be normal, but she was 17! When she was finally allowed to open her eyes, she scrambled to remove the dull red coils from her neck and wrists, her face flushed red with anger and shame until she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Was she seeing things or was there really a bowl of spaghetti in front of her right now? She picked up a noodle and placed it into her mouth, testing to make sure it was an actual noodle laying on her tongue and not some zucchini cut to impersonate noodles. (How dare he try to trick her with that once?!) Finding an actual noodle, she swallowed in shock before her eyes locked onto Papyrus. He did still care! And to acknowledge, she crawled over and wrapped him in a brief hug before going back to continue her meal. Judging by the presence of multiple baskets, she could tell that there was more than just this one bowl of spaghetti. She removed the black cloths and found tacos, mac n cheese (with ham), baguettes, scalloped potatoes, breaded chicken, all very scrumptious items a hungry lady such as herself would love.

7:12 PM

Papyrus had watched April gobble up her feast in joy, the same joy that came with the excited smile and sparkling eyes every time she saw one of her favorite meals on a plate in front of her at the kitchen table. For the first time in a while, he was seeing it again. For the first time in what felt like months, April finally had the one thing she'd been wanting for so long: a full belly. Such a delicious meal in such a plentiful supply. Perhaps she should thank her provider by resting her head on his leg. Who knows? Maybe affectionate gestures like these will encourage him to make such feasts more often. Plus, there seemed to be some sort of aura surrounding him that brought a sense of security,--not that she would tell him that--so it was a win-win. Was this the feeling, 'earthlings' (as her sister called them), referred to as love? Could the nickname she was given be what Papyrus felt toward her? No, no way, was it really? Yes, this was love...

9:04 PM

The two decided they had enough stargazing for one night and walked back to the car. As Papyrus began to turn the ignition, he caught April reclining the seat back out of the corner of his eye. Damn, she was hawt! In that smile she wore, he could see a key had been found to unlock a layer of chains covering that beautiful treasure and he found himself unable to look away. Was this what came with love? A burning desire to just sit there and admire how they...well, them? But he couldn't just stare at her, she would find it creepy! Before any rational thought could find its way into his skull, he swooped down and planted a kiss on her lips before starting the car. Did he seriously just do that? He knew April wouldn't smack him now because he was taking her home, but she would surely beat the s**t out of him when they arrived! 

9:26 PM

April had been staring blankly at the roof of the car the entire ride home. She had no idea what Papyrus did to her, but whatever it was left all communication between her brain and her body cut off. She wanted to unbuckle her seatbelt, walk up to Papyrus, and slap him, but she couldn't even sit up. Questions were spiraling around in her head, but she couldn't spit any of them out as more of them were caught in her throat than those turkey bones last Thanksgiving (not a good day for her). Soon the passenger door opened and her seatbelt was removed. She managed to regain enough of her senses to grab onto his gloved hand, but Papyrus had to use blue magic to help her out of the car. He walked toward the condo in a slow manner as he didn't want to set her off by pulling her arm too hard. "Love you, goodnight," he told her as he closed the door to her bedroom, praying she would be alright.

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