Veintisiete: So High...

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11:09 AM

May and April had left Undyne and Alphys' house, but instead of going back to their homes, they each ran off to the last place anyone would look for them.  A decision that April began to regret. Well, a forest actually would be a predictable place to find her, but near the top of a giant sequoia most definitely wasn't. It was so high, but the atmosphere was surprisingly thick enough to breathe up here. Oh no wait, no tree ever grew that tall, did they? Whatever the answer was, a fall from this altitude would no doubt guarantee the end of her life. Just how long could this branch support the weight of her heavy self before it broke from the tree? A tiny crack in the wood answered that thought. She looked for a branch to use as a ladder rung for just a little more support. No luck, the next branch down was too far below. Only one thing left to attempt. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath in. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!" she called out, only to hear her voice echo off the other trees. A spectacular view, but it only showed just how badly she needed to get down. Another crack, followed by a low creek. Panicked, April hugged the thin, narrow trunk and felt the branch she stood on sturdy itself just a little bit more, a minuscule delay to her seemingly inevitable fate, but healing a plant, especially one this massive, sapped up a lot of energy. Unless someone on the extremely slim chance happened to hear her plead for rescue, her death was merely stalled. 

11:24 AM

The second Papyrus hung up with Undyne, he knew he had made numerous mistakes and that the only way those could be corrected was to find April and talk to her. Just one problem: by the time he got to Undyne and Alphys' place, both mytes had vacated the premises. He considered gathering a search party throughout the town, but he knew April wouldn't harbor somewhere as obvious as a restaurant. Another potential location: the woods. She did love plants after all. To the forest! Surely April would find a suitable sanctuary there.

11:38 AM

The tree branch April stood on showed evidence of having met its match. She had exhausted all of her energy trying to hold the branch onto the tree. All she could do now was call and pray someone would hear her. "Someone! Anyone! Help!" She couldn't postpone her fall for much longer. 

11:39 AM

Papyrus was running through the forest calling out April's name when he heard something in the distance. It sounded like someone yelling. Changing directions slightly he took off towards the sound. Soon it was clear it was April who was yelling, and she was yelling for help. "April!" Papyrus called out. "Paps! Please, help me!" Papyrus has never heard April sound so terrified. Maybe once when Sans scared her up into a corner, but this was much worse. "April! Where are you?!" He had to be close, but he couldn't see her anywhere. Suddenly, there was a loud snap followed by a scream. Just as April thought her time was done, she suddenly stopped falling. Something definitely wasn't right, because she knew she would've felt herself meeting the ground. Was she dead? She opened her eyes to find she was...floating? She saw her arm was outlined in a light blue. "I GOTCHA!" she heard Papyrus yell out. As he walked closer to her, she was brought closer to the ground, until he stepped right underneath her and let her fall...right into his arms. 

11:48 AM 

April couldn't tell how long they have been walking. And by they, she meant Papyrus, who was still carrying her. Neither of them had said anything since April landed in his arms. April was trying to keep it together, but silent tears were streaming down her face. She could see Papyrus peaking at her from time to time, and would shift April around to keep a good grip on her. April spoke for the first time, her throat gravely from all the screaming she did not so long ago. " I can walk if I'm too hea-" Papyrus quickly cut her off. "You're not," he said softly as he gently kissed her on the forehead. Normally April would have been shocked by that act of PDA, maybe it was from almost dying, or they were alone in the forest but she was grateful for that act of kindness he showed her. April tucked her head and snuggled deeper in Papyrus's arms. Trying to not to think about how she nearly died.

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