Veinticuatro: Curses! Pt. 2

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7:56 AM

"While you munch on this, I'll take care of these guys for you," Mettaton picked up the controller and took a look at what he was up against before realizing May was still in his lap, practically immobilized. He disassembled the arrangement he had on the couch, then rearranged everything so that he was laying on the arm of the couch and May was laying on him. Instead of eating her food, however, May just began snuggling with him. "May, we can snuggle later," he whispered, firing arrows at the enemies in the game before adding, "Eat up May," May was now watching the game, amazed at how swiftly Mettaton was beating this section. Suddenly the pause screen flashed onto the TV. "Hey! What..." She looked up at Mettaton to see him looking at her. Then he gave a pointed look to her food. She got the hint. May quickly ate the rest of her food. When Mettaton saw that she had resumed eating he pressed play. Every time May would slow down, all he had to do was press pause to kick her back into gear.

8:24 AM

May had hit a block in the game and decided to draw in her sketchbook, but her pencil just wasn't cooperating. "Why the f**k can I not just f*****g draw this f*****g line?! The f*****g paper will be completely smudged and the f*****g sketch is gonna look s****y!" she muttered to herself, much louder than intended. Mettaton walked in. May wanted to go over and hug him, but she was so full of food that she was pinned to the couch. "I'm so f*****g full." She mostly muttered to herself but she fully expected Mettaton to reply with a smarty pants remark such as, "Good!" When she didn't hear anything she looked over to see him looking down at his shoes shuffling them around. "I said... I'm so f*****g full," Again no response. 'Hmm that's weird,' May went back to sketching or at least trying to. '3rd times the charm right?' "Alright, Phylicia, don't f*****g fail me now." May looked back. Surely he would have asked who she was talking to, right? He didn't even look up from his shoes. "Your stupid robot feet cant be that f*****g interesting right?" She could see a hint of a smile, but he still hadn't looked up yet. Now she was worried. "Mettaton! What are you looking at?" He finally looked up, smiling, "Sorry, I thought I saw an ant on the floor. What are you working on?" May was shocked "A s****y little ant was more important then what I was f*****g saying?" Mettaton looked back down at the 'ant'. May stared in disbelief. "Aren't you going to ask me who Phylicia is?" Mettaton looked back up all smiles. "Thanks for reminding me! Let me guess it's your...eraser?" May wasn't sure what was more annoying, this sketch or Mettaton. "No, it's not my f*****g eraser! Don't you f*****g remember that I make the names according to the item?" Before she even got halfway through the sentence Mettaton had looked down again. May took a deep breath. "It's my pencil," Mettaton perked back up and replied. "You see what's going on here?" he could see all of the imaginary question marks floating around May. "No! I don't f*****g--" Mettaton immediately looked away, this time out the window. "Is that what this s**t game of yours f*****g is?! I thought you didn't give a f**k! You have no f*****g problem swearing yourself! What's the big ass f*****g problem now?!" Mettaton looked at her with a blank expression on his face and firmly replied "May, you've been cursing more excessively than normal and your normal is very excessive," May completely blanked. She just stared at him, dead silent. "Well, I'm f*****g sorry." Mettaton looked at her confused. "What? I can't really understand you," May had never been more annoyed. "I said... I'm sorry! But.." before she could finish Mettaton cut her off. "Oh! That's great! Glad to hear it! I gotta bounce. " He all but pranced out of the room. Super confused, May turned back around and remembered the stupid drawing she was working on. Seeing the failed work of art pushed her over the edge. She muttered to herself "I need to find a chair," She tried to stand up, but all the extra weight in her stomach prevented her from doing so. "Damn it,"

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