Cincuenta y Cinco: Christmas

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December 21st, 8:14 AM

May walked through the front door with a small fluffy caramel-colored dog who's ears were pointed upward. "Now I'm giving you a tour of your new home, you better pay attention because it's a big space, you could get lost," she adjusted the way she was holding the dog so he was facing the same way she was. "To start off, this is the living room, and these are your cousins," she gestured to the cats. "Down here is the basement, and that is one of your aunts," Cleo waved. May then turned and walked into the kitchen. "This is where you will be fed, and don't worry, you will get actual food, none of those pellets they call 'kibble'" She then turned to walk out to the backyard. "This is where you can roam about until I return home from school, and no worries, if it's cold or rainy, we will have something set up so you can come in and out as you please," She then walked back inside to find Mettaton standing in the doorway. "And...that's your father. Hi, Mettaton, meet your new son...his name is means 'gift of god'...I got consent this time, Cleo and Jimena even took me to the shelter to pick him out..."

December 25th, 5:31 PM

"I am sorry for not believing you..." Mettaton hugged May and pet the little doggo sitting in her lap. "You're forgiven," the two sat there, snuggling with each other as the others opened their presents. Alphys burst out laughing when she unwrapped one from May. "Really?" "What? Do you not like it?" May looked a little worried. "No... I just wasn't expecting such a great gift!" Mettaton looked at May "What did you get her?" He asked. "A book of custom made coupons," "Coupons for s-sessions of f-formal anime binging,"

Alphys was at the door of the condo wearing her red dress with white polka dots. She had no idea why, but May asked her to come over in nice clothes--and with 14 carts full of Oreos at that! What could she be up to? She knocked on the door waiting to find out. There was May in a beautiful floral dress. "The couch..." she said in a forceful tone with her hand pointing to said couch. Alphys sat down near the arm and saw the TV was set up. After bringing all of the Oreos inside, May sat on the other side of the couch and put on Angel Beats. "W-wait...wha-?" "Now...we sit. And watch," What? She wasn't going to bring out a weapon and...kill her or something? "Nothing else to it, just sitting here watching anime and eating Oreos in pretty dresses. It's called formal anime binging,"  May just continued watching, laughing at some of the funny moments--which considering it was Angel Beats, meant there were a lot--and nipped on Oreos. She saw Alphys began texting someone. Soon Undyne walked through the door in a black jacket, black jeans, a white shirt, and uggs. What was she doing here? She wasn't invited...and how did she know about the dress code? Just as May's eye began to twitch, Mettaton walked in. Of course, he was wearing a tux--minus the jacket. May decided she could slap him for eavesdropping on a phone call later. Now, she was just happy to crawl into safety and snuggle in warmth. Mettaton held her in his arms, proud of her for at least trying to take down the wall between her and Alphys.

The squad continued opening presents. Papyrus began to unwrap the box. He had been reading the local news recently, making sure there were no thefts reported from any of the shops in town. He didn't find any so hopefully, he wasn't about to find stolen goods under the cardboard lid. What he did find was a set of cooking utensils with a bow tied to it and a note that read "For the world's best chef," aww! "Wait, you actually paid for this, right?" April immediately replied: "Yes, now can we please eat dinner? I've been waiting all day and I need food," Papyrus just looked at her. "Not yet, we're not done with presents. By the way, if the police show up asking for a fine, you're getting a job to pay it off yourself," The second he saw the "Oh s**t" expression on her face, he knew that she had reverted back to criminal activity. He sighed. "And this is why I don't like it when you go into town alone,"

Papyrus made it clear to April that she was to walk to and from school with the squad straight home where she would then do her homework and study for upcoming tests. He didn't care if she had bad grades, he just didn't want her slacking off and doing the minimum, but the school let students out during lunch so long as they left their stuff on campus (so they would have to come back for class). April took the 40 minute gap as a chance to go into town with her phone and a small breifcase. Initially her plan was to use it to get fast food, but then she decided to start saving money instead, so she snuck into a casino and deposited her cash winnings into an account via ATM should someone from the casino be at the physical bank. As Christmas came rolling around she was so glad she had a way to get money. Now she could just pay for the gifts instead of pulling a big heist (although it was tempting, she never did). She learned her lesson from last year after stealing a priceless watch and spending time in prison. The only trouble now was to not get caught as underaged gamblers would have their winnings taken away and get banned from the casino. To be safe, she decided it would be best to just buy the Christmas presents then stop. She already had enough cash to save for an emergency, she didn't need to continue getting money the "wrong" way. Maybe she should just head into a grocery store and pick up an application.

Did she still get dinner tonight? April dared not ask if that was the case, for if she did, the answer would switch to "no". She just sat there in silence and watched as everyone else opened their presents. She appreciated the thought put into the ones for her, but she just wanted a decent meal, maybe a poker game. She already sent in her application for the grocery store, so maybe she could earn money the way society wanted people to. What was so wrong about gambling anyway? And why did you have to be 21 or older to do it? Careers were supposed to be made from hobbies, and hers was playing cards! Regardless, now she would spend a few hours of every day scanning other people's food while earning $13/hr as opposed to up to a few hundred dollars in 30 minutes every day, but then she would be at risk of getting caught and having to give up all her profits without being able to go back there, leaving her back at $0, maybe less. An entry level job was the long way, the grueling way, but the safe way.

6:19 PM

Finally it was time for dinner and April wasted no time dishing up a plate full of mashed potatoes, maybe a slice or two of ham. She sat down at the table and began eating slowly, as she may not be exposed to such an abundance of food for a long time afterwards. And should she have a nightmare anytime soon, there was already a Tupperware container full of mashed potatoes hiding in the back of the fridge where hopefully no one could see with a note labeling it "for emergencies only". Satisfied with her plan, she allowed herself to enjoy such a rare feast, but nowhere near as fast as she used to. Small nips and slow movements made the food last longer. Then maybe she wouldn't feel troubled going to sleep, maybe end up actually having a nice dream, and not wake up to a rumbly belly...oh who was she kidding? That wasn't realistic at all! She would have a nightmare, then walk down to the fridge at 2 am looking for food to comfort her. Oh well. She had a meal that she had control over. Merry Christmas...

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast! The Sequel.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن