Veinticinco: Frenemy Visit

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July 9th, 8:27 PM

May turned around the corner and knocked on the door of a familiar house. At first, she thought the door opened itself, but then saw Dr. Alphys. "M-May? W-what are you doing here? W-where's Mettaton?" She asked. "Probably still fighting over the phone with Papyrus. I came here to get away from it," She gave Alphys a pleading look. "You mind if I stay here? Just for the night?" Alphys' mind began ringing. If she said yes, then Undyne would get mad for not consulting with her first and letting someone who tried to hurt Papyrus into their home, but if she said no, no to her best friend's girlfriend, well... she didn't actually know what he would do, but he would definitely be mad. "O-okay, but j-just for the night," May stepped inside and began setting up a few pillows and blankets on the couch, careful not to hog the whole thing. She heard footsteps and buried herself under the blankets in a panic. There was Undyne leaving the bedroom, walking past the couch, not noticing the sleep equipment. "Alphy, who was at the door?" She stopped in her tracks when she saw the lump. "Alphys... What's  this?" She reached for the blanket and pulled it off before Alphys could stop her. "May?! What the hell is she doing here?!" Alphys began sweating nervously. "'s...not l-looking for any trouble, i-if anything, she's trying to g-get away from it," Undyne gave her a look. "And why would she come here to avoid trouble? No wait, I don't want you to answer, I want her to answer," May had managed to find the bathroom and was now hiding in the tub. (Because they would never find her there)

8:32 PM

There was another knock on the door. This time it was April, with the same story. She left looking for somewhere to get away from hearing Papyrus fight over the phone with Mettaton. Undyne let her in so she could see if Sans was right or wrong about his brother's girlfriend...also she was still mad at her for swallowing her wedding ring. While she was looking for somewhere to settle in, Alphys was trying to get May to come out of hiding. These were the last two people she could ever want in her house. So naturally, they are both here at the same time. "April, so let me get this straight, you're here because Paps and Mettaton are fighting on the phone?" April nodded her head, terrified of Undyne but equally terrified that she was going to kick her out. They were staring each other down, and Alphys and May entered the room. Seeing April sitting on the couch with a visibly fuming Undyne May spun on her heals mumbling under her breath " Oh hell no." Alphys grabbed her arm and gently but firmly guided her back around and to the couch. She sat down next to April, they simultaneously scooted away from each other. and looked up at the couple, who were whispering to each other. "We can't kick them out," "Well they can't stay here either," "Well, they don't e-exactly have a-anywhere else to go," "These two are gonna cause chaos," "Actually they were here to get away from it," "...Papyrus is probably gonna be mad at me if I am rude to his girlfriend so..." She wasn't afraid of him, he was harmless. (Well he could harm her if he wanted to, but he wouldn't want to) She just didn't want her cinnamon roll of a friend angry at her. The whole reason Alphys let May inside in the first place was because she didn't want Mettaton to kill her or something else like that. The two turned back to their unexpected guests. "Alright. You two punks can stay for the night, but there will be some rules. #1: If either one of you causes any trouble, you're both out and on your own. #2: No arguing! #3: You are free to use the equipment in the backyard to blow off some steam if you absolutely need to," Alphys thought up a few that she wanted to add. "#4: you have t-to watch anime with us! No complaining!" Oh wait, that was just one. Both May and April nodded.

10:59 PM

All 4 ladies were on the couch watching Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. April and May had their doubts but it was actually really good. The only thing...what the hell were these terms they were using and what the hell did they mean? Waifu? Senpai? (Oh wait, she knew what that one was) Tsundere? Kawaii? Afraid of upsetting both the fish and the lizard, neither May nor April even thought of asking. May pulled out her phone and began Googling. Dictionary, result! Google search bar "What does 'waifu' mean?"

Waifu is a term for a fictional character, usually in anime or related media, that someone has great and sometimes romantic, affection for.

"What does 'tsundere' mean?" she typed.

 Tsundere (ツンデレ, pronounced [tsɯndeɾe]) is a Japanese term for a character development process that describes a person who is initially cold (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time.

"What does 'kawaii' mean?" This one she wanted to know the most as it was the most used and Alphys always said it, but there were ZERO context clues as to the definition.

Kawaii means "cute" in Japanese, and it is associated with a pop-culture aesthetic of such things as cuddly animals and pink hearts.

Now May felt like a dumbass for not knowing that it had such a simple definition. And that was her guess as to what it meant! The other two could prove quite useful to her vocabulary but this? What was the point? Why didn't the characters just say "cute" or "adorable"?

July 10th, 2:31 AM

May found herself unable to fall asleep on the left side of the couch. Since she was stuck awake for the night, she figured she should be productive with this time.

5:04 AM

Undyne woke up, ready to prepare for her morning run when suddenly, her foot slipped, but she thankfully didn't fall due to perfected reflexes. The floor was...wet? It was shiny, but there wasn't a film of water over it. That's when Undyne became aware of her surroundings. Everything was so neat and clean. All of her workout gear was stacked and organized by weight. Alphys' anime collection was organized by series, season, even by episode. the floors were not only vacuumed but... 'this must be what floors feel like when they have been mopped,' Undyne entered the living room to see that April was sitting up on the couch, but May was fast asleep. Before Undyne could ask April said. "Yes, she cleaned your whole house." There was a pause, Undyne was going to ask another question but April seemed to read her mind again. "Yes, she going to be sleeping for a while." Undyne wanted to find a reason to be mad, but she couldn't. She grumbled out "Well ok then. I'm going to make some breakfast."  Before she knew what she was saying she heard her self say "Do you want some?" April spun around in confusion shocked that Undyne would offer that. She saw Undyne standing there looking just as much, if not more confused than her. "Um well, I shouldn't eat but I'd love to help." April got up and followed Undyne to the kitchen. That 'I shouldn't eat' comment got her personal trainer red flags flying, she initially wanted to help she had some healthy eating habits on the tip of her tongue. But then she remembered who she was talking to and held it all back. But...she and Papyrus were such good friends! And that was his girlfriend, so she decided to help because a hero is a friend to any being in need of rescue. 

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