Dieciocho: Lover Shenanigans

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8:36 AM

Mettaton removed everything from the stove, setting up a plate for May, who was still sleeping. "Perfect," He took the plate into the bedroom, knowing May would be very hungry when she woke up. Just as he was about to turn toward the door, he saw May lift her head up, her eyes open just a sliver. She reached for the food. Mettaton had to stop himself from laughing at May's attempts to put a bacon slice in her mouth while she was half asleep. Warmer, cold, warmer, hot, cold, warmer, warmer, hot, yay! Now she had grease and bacon crumbs all over her face, time to go wash it off. He guided her into the bathroom and picked up a face wipe. By the time he finished, May was fully awake. She shrieked at the sight of red blotches all over her neck. "Are these from you?" she asked. "Sorry...looks like I got carried away...don't worry, those should clear up in a week or 2," Mettaton told her, petting her head. May rolled her eyes. "Guess I'm wearing turtlenecks for the next 2 weeks," she went back into the bedroom to finish her meal. Mettaton followed her only to see her bury herself under the blankets. He slowly crept towards the bed. "Rawr," May had been ambushed with tickles! 

8:42 AM

May picked up her phone. "Hello! Would you like to come for a pool party?" May couldn't go swimming at a time like this! She couldn't let the squad see the hickeys! She looked at Mettaton for help. He seemed unphased and clicked on the speakerphone. "Sorry, well have to skip today. I'm taking my lady out!"  They said goodbye and hung up the phone. May high fived Mettaton. "Nice! Great excuse." Mettaton took her hand and guided her to the door. "Not just an excuse. Let's go!" "Wait! No! I haven't taken a bath yet, I'm not wearing any makeup, I literally just woke up!" Mettaton kept walking, "Now those are some lame excuses!" May is digging her heels into the floor, trying with all her might to stop Mettaton from dragging her out in her PJ's. "Come on! I will only take me like 5 minutes to get ready!" That made Mettaton pause. and look back at her, he let go over her wrist and look at an invisible watch on his wrist. "Timer starts..." May gasped and started running back to her room. "NOW" Mettaton called after her. 

8:46 AM

"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!" May came hopping into the room on one foot, trying to put on her other boot. Her hair was brushed but already wild from running around. She had makeup on but much less than usual.  Right at the 5-minute mark, she stood at attention at Mettaton's side. He was speechless. 

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