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5:49 AM

April peaked into the living room to see if May was awake yet...nope. "Hey...I just cleaned this place...don't make me throw you in the trash!..." she mumbled. "What could she possibly be dreaming about?" April wondered as she walked into the kitchen. There was Undyne just doing her thing. Ingredients flying everywhere, utensils scattered all over the place. April slowly started trailing after her, throwing away items that could be tossed and replacing things where she saw Undyne grab them from. Even this minor activity was making April dizzy and short of breath. At one point she even heard her stomach growl. Not growl...roar. She looked up hoping Undyne wouldn't have noticed but April saw Undyne look over at her out of the corner of her eye. "I guess I don't have to ask if you're excited for breakfast," She let out a small chuckle, but April could have sworn she saw a flash of concern in Undyne's face. She must be dizzier than she thought. Without thinking, April said, "Oh no, I'm uh, I'm not hungry," As if on cue a big dizzy spell hit and she had to grab onto the counter. Probably just from her concussion, she figured, but Undyne knew it was something different. Way different. She gave April a "what's going on?" look. "Nothing...I just figured out last week that I have been backstabbed by literally everything in the used to be it's hell..." Undyne couldn't hide her confusion. "Yeah I'm not even going to pretend to know what you mean by that, but that doesn't mean you stop eating," April rolled her eyes and got a better grip on the counter, she leaned against it trying to look casual when really, it was the only thing holding her up. "I'm not going to stop eating entirely...just not nearly as often," She added that last part under her breath, but the look on Undyne's face told April that Undyne had definitely heard her. So many red flags were being waved, but she hardly even knew the lady she would be helping, but it was her close friend's girlfriend, well, doctors, firemen, police, and coaches weren't allowed to just not help someone just because they don't like them, so...

5:56 AM

She had pretty much made up her mind about helping April, but what she said next was the final nail in the coffin. "Well, Papyrus told me and I quote 'you eat our weight in junk food' so I figure if I have a lower weight it wouldn't be so--" Undyne cut her off, furious at what she was hearing "Hold on! Paps said what?!" Not so gently Undyne took April by the arm, sat her down at the table, and tossed a small plate of breakfast food in front of her. "Ok first you're going to eat that," Undyne saw April start to complain but continued, "All of it, and then I'm gonna give that skeleton a piece of my mind,"

6:32 AM

May woke up to the very pleasant sound of Undyne yelling. She walked up to the doorway and saw her yelling over the phone! Great. The exact thing she ran away from. "I don't care what your intentions were, you stupid skeleton, you gave your girlfriend an eating disorder you--" May could not believe her luck. What was the deal with everyone yelling at skeletons?! She hated them too, but she wouldn't waste her time arguing with one over the phone! She would just go up to them and punch them in the face! Anyway, her stomach was infuriated, so she walked into the kitchen and piled as much food as she could onto the plate. April gave her a look, her eyes wide and her jaw hanging. "What? This is how much you eat on a normal basis," she muttered as she scooped up hash browns with a slice of bacon, with ketchup of course. Undyne held her phone in front of April. "Apologize," April slowly took the phone from Undyne's hand and held it up to her ear. "Aw, Papy, I can't stay mad at you...I'm sure we can work something out...okay, adios," she handed the phone back to Undyne. Now May was the shocked one. "Alright, so what you sho--" Undyne stopped when she saw how big of a breakfast May had. Funny. She was seeing the opposite of what she had previously heard. "Why are you two looking at me like that? I only have such a big breakfast so I won't have to eat anything else for the rest of the day," May muttered under her breath. Undyne was at her wits' end with these Thomas girls. "Oh my god! That is not how food works!" The girls just shrugged and picked at their comically different plates.

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