Sesenta: Plans

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April 5th, 12:03 AM

After finally finishing all the schoolwork she had for now (a little help from the best boyfriend ever), May walked down to the basement. Sleepiness aside, she had 35 minutes to work on something very important before Mettaton finished charging and carried her to bed and waking up was no easy task. However much work time she could squeeze into the next 5 days had to be used efficiently. It had to be complete by then, as she hated having to push the deadline back to the next occasion. She had initially promised delivery on Christmas, but schoolwork ate up so much of her time that she couldn't put in more than a few stitches a day.

12:38 AM

May managed to add pockets onto both sides of her creation before she heard footsteps. As they inched closer, she quickly wheeled all evidence of her project into one of the legs of the basement and closed the curtains. Of course, being in the basement in the first place made it obvious to him that she was working on something, but she did many forms of art, so what she was working on remained a mystery. Barely able to stifle a yawn, she melted into Mettaton's arms and watched as her bed drew nearer. Not wanting to fall asleep just yet, she planted a kiss on his lips before squiggling into his chest, trying to find the perfect spot. Ah, found it. Now, to sleep...what was going on? Ugh, the window was open and all the cold air was being sucked in. She got up, closed and locked the window before returning to the warm blankets, soft sheets and the best cuddling partner a girl could ask for, who showered her with kisses to slowly lull her into a slumber.

5:19 AM

May crawled out of bed and made herself some coffee. On her way down to the basement, she rang a small bell in her hand. Soon Matteo scurried to her side. "Good morning," she whispered as she bent down to pet him. "You know how your father's birthday is coming up? I need you to distract him while I work on his present. Can you do that for mama?" he responded with a quiet bark. "Good boy," She smiled as the little ball of floof ran off to find Mettaton.

5:21 AM

Mettaton just lay there upside down on the couch in the living room, head hanging over the floor. He didn't know why, but it seemed to help him look over his thoughts. Suddenly, the TV flipped on. He lifted his head to see Matteo looking through the movie cabinet trying to slide a case off the shelf with his little nose. He couldn't help but laugh a bit before getting up. "You want to watch a movie?" The dog kept jumping up to the 'H' section. "Okay, now let's see," What movie would a dog want to watch? He looked where the pup was trying to reach and grabbed Homeward Bound. "Is this good?" Matteo barked as if to say yes.

6:57 AM

Having finished much sooner than she thought she would, May walked into the living room to see what her two boys were up to. Credits were playing on the TV. She smiled at the sight of Mettaton holding their adopted son the same way a child would hold a plushie. "Am I interrupting your father-son time?" She asked as she sat down next to them. "No," "Good. You wanna see Matteo do some tricks?" "Of course," May rang the bell and the dog stood up, facing her. She ran through the basics first; sit, down, stay, roll over, fetch; then some of the more interesting ones; high five, spin, shake hands; then some things that you wouldn't expect someone to teach a dog; open doors, play chess (and he was good at it too), and draw. May rang the bell to grab his attention and tossed him a few pieces of chicken. "Good boy," she picked him up and sat back down on the couch. "So, he responds to the bell," May nodded. "Watch this," she rang the bell again. "Stay," she then stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "Come here boy," but she didn't ring the bell. "I have some nice yummy chicken for you," she smiled when she could hear him huff. She then rang the bell and he zoomed right over to her. "Good boy," Mettaton, however, did not look impressed. "What? Did I not train him well enough?" She asked. "No, you have taught him well, but I'm concerned about the fact that he only responds to a bell," "Why? What if thieves break in and they try to bribe him with treats to shut him up? The way I have him trained, he would just keep barking and barking and maybe biting until he wakes someone up," "So you did this so he only listens to you?" "Yeah, that a problem?" "Yes, he's supposed to be our pet, not your minion," "And he is our pet, if we're going to build empires together, we can't have our son raised as an ordinary child, he will be our prince," To May's luck, her phone rang. "I have to take this," She held the phone up to her ear and leaned towards Mettaton, but she certainly wasn't going to kiss him after this argument! Instead, she bit his lip and walked into the kitchen for privacy. "Yes, you can help me set up tomorrow if that's the next time you're free, the sooner, the better. Yes, of course, you're coming, you helped me pay for the supplies, I couldn't have just not invited you, it wouldn't be right," Mettaton couldn't believe his ears right now. Did May seriously have big enough connections with someone to have a polite conversation with them over the phone? Last he knew, she hated phone calls, second-guessed her texts, and had panic attacks before going out with people that weren't him. Something was definitely up, and judging by the conversation, it had something to do with his birthday, so he tuned out the rest of the conversation to keep whatever surprise she was planning a surprise. 

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