Cuatro: First Date

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June 14th, 1:47 PM

Jimena walked into the kitchen where Cleo was playing with the cats (which nearly everyone still forgot were no longer kittens) and May was drawing in her sketchbook. "Cleo," "Yes?" "It was a success, but now we're going out to dinner at 5:20. I don't know what to do on a date. What do I say? What do I do? What am I gonna wear?" The last question had May speeding down to the basement, coming back with a black and white zebra patterned mermaid dress with a white leather crop jacket, a pearl necklace, and a black bow tie, everything lightly dusted with glitter. "Were you waiting for this?" May began looking in all directions. "No... this was supposed to be a welcome home present, but I wasn't sure you'd like it. I'd ask if you'd prefer the necklace or the bow tie, but no one says you can't wear both. Go, put this on. I need to find shoes to go with that and I'll be with you to do your hair and makeup shortly," she sped back down to the basement. "Well, you have a stylist doing a huge chunk of the work for you,"

4:58 PM

May just needed to do Jimena's hair and she was date ready. "I'm guessing she's smart," "Yep," "Mischievous," "A little," "And perky," "Definitely. Wait, how did you know what she's like?" "I didn't. I just figured you'd date someone perky," she turned off the curling iron and began pulling Jimena's hair into a ponytail, leaving a few locks in front on the left, and one behind the right ear. While May was tying the white ribbon into a bow, Mettaton came in. He inspected May's work, seeing what May was trying to do, but couldn't quite get there. May looked and acted like she knew what she was doing, but her work needed a few corrections. "Hi. On a scale of 1 to 100, how well have I styled her? 1 being 'agh, it's melting my eyes!' and 100 being," she pretended to faint. Mettaton looked at her expressionless. "Honestly, this is in the low 50s, 60s if I'm being generous." May was clearly stunned. "You nailed the main outfit as always, but everything else needs work. I see where you were going with the makeup, but it's very messy, you went completely overboard with accessories, the shoes are a hell no, and the hair, well, the hair's actually pretty good, just not what you tied it up with, allow me to point you in the right direction," he swapped out the ribbon for a white scrunchy. "I don't like the shoes either, but it was the best I could do in the time frame. The lipstick, I thought the bruised purple would look better, but they say red is the most seductive lip color, so I tried to do both, yes I know it's ugly," she looked down, ashamed of her failure. "Agh, and she's supposed to be there in less than 20 minutes! We don't have time!" Jimena just had to jump in, it was her date after all. "A: I already made the reservations, B: Jessie texted me saying she might be running late due to her original clothes giving her an allergic reaction, poor girl, so that's 2 delays in our deadline, if we hurry, we can still do this," Mettaton grabbed a face wipe and began cleaning up the eyeshadow mess. May had attempted to do a smokey eye with a really dark purple instead of black. "Okay, this, I understand. Smokey eyes are very difficult to master. See where the borderlines of the sockets are? Don't go beyond those," he cleaned up all the eyeshadow that slipped past the border. "See how much better this looks already?" May nodded. As they progressed, they ditched the red lipstick entirely and redid the way overdone blush. "Really May? 7 bracelets on each wrist?" He turned to Jimena. "Pick 2 for each wrist and take the rest off," Now for the shoes. May had tried to make zebra shoes, but none of the designs looked good, so she just chose the least ugly ones. The shoes replacing them were white wedge sneakers lightly dusted in black glitter. "You are now officially ready for a date,"

5:14 PM

"Where are you going?" Nathaniel asked. "Hey, Dad...just going out on my first date...nothing to be concerned about..." "with who?" He asked. "Someone from class," "Name?" "Jessie," "where?" "BJ's," "alright. Have fun and be back before nightfall," Wow. That went smoothly.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast! The Sequel.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora