Tres: Alone...?

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2:03 PM

April had Mettaton cornered. "Why? Why are you so soft on her? 'You're such a good girl, May' 'You look so cute, May' 'oh May, let me get that for you' 'don't bother yourself, I'll take care of it, May' you seriously think you're doing something good? She needs to grow up! She's so dependent on you! She needs to learn how to do things alone!" Mettaton had had this argument with April, however, for the first time, he wondered if she was right. Mettaton had an upcoming business trip for the hotel and he had never left May alone for that long. Would she be able to do without Mettaton when he was away? "What did you have in mind?" Mettaton asked. April stopped in the middle of her rant. She didn't expect him to cooperate and April had been thinking up an idea for a long time. Mettaton knew that May could do day to day tasks on her own, but she would be upset if she didn't get cuddles or any sort of attention from him.

4:16 PM

Why did Mettaton have to leave? May lived off his love, without it, no, stop thinking May, just focus on the lingering scent of cherries and lemons he had left behind. It smelt like he was still there, but she still felt his absence. No black-sleeved shoulder to rest her head on, no lap to safely take a snooze in, no silver fingers to run through her hair, no shiny muscular arms to pull her into safety, no sexy metal abs to make for a weirdly comfortable side pillow, no soft voice to help her endure storms or bad dreams. Metta was not here and it was not okay!

4:21 PM

"Can you two come over to the condo? And bring the dog? Perfect," Cleo hang up the phone. This would definitely cheer up May. Puppies were the one thing she loved just as much as, possibly more than, Mettaton. Actually, she heard her say in one of her videos that "it would be a tough decision, but I wouldn't trade Mettaton for all the puppies in the world, but can I please have both Mettaton and a puppy?" Speaking of May, what was she doing up in her room?

4:24 PM

May was in bed, surrounded by stuffed animals. April had followed her in, crouching below the side of the bed, hiding her arm under the animal bush, altering her voice to act as the stuffed animals. "You made so many friends at school," the blue owl told her. "Hey, you have visitors downstairs," Cleo turned and walked away. It felt so good to be able to freely travel between floors. May got up and followed her to find Ethan and Ari in the living room, with the puppy! She smiled and greeted them. They all played fetch with little Margaret for a while, catching up with each other. She had friends to keep her distracted, but what if she had nothing to keep her busy? Why didn't April think that through?! Test: failed!

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