Diecinueve: Party Time!

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July 4th, 3:46 PM

May had been spending the whole day with Mettaton. They hung out at the park playing with the "street dogs" (which had legal owners to keep them out of the pound). That inspired lots of cheesy pickup lines for Mettaton, just saying stuff about how May "looked fetching". It was kind of annoying but also really sweet. May just kept throwing the stick, then petting the dogs when they came back with it.

8:31 PM

"Where are you going?" Mettaton grabbed May's hand before she could reach the doorknob. She handed him a little card. A party? May was going to her first party?! "How do I look?" she asked. She was wearing a turtleneck leather crop jacket, a pink crop top with a tiny bit of cleavage, black running shorts, fishnet tights, pink long socks, her usual knee-high clunky boots, and little alien antennae which she surprisingly didn't consider offensive or stereotypical. Mettaton had no clue how to answer, all he could say was "Out of this world," "Good," she took it as a compliment. He still kept her away from the door. "You really think, you're ready for your first party?" "Yes...? ...All the squad members are going...people from school are going..." Mettaton thought for a minute and then shrugged, and then left to grab a jacket. "Fine, but I'm going with you," He looked back at May, expecting her to protest, but was somewhat shocked to see her unphased. May looked at him with a smile. "Of course you're going with me silly. It is our anniversary after all," With that, they got in the car. 

8:42 PM

"Oh s**t...I'm sorry...the invitation said there would be bouncers...for safety reasons...but I didn't know they were the skele-d*****bags..." May looked up at Mettaton to see if he was upset. His mouth was set in a thin line but otherwise, he wasn't showing any other emotion. He had to walk past two people he didn't get along with in order to enter. He grabbed May, acting as a shield while avoiding eye contact with the skeletons. Phew! Now all he had to do was keep May out of trouble. Couldn't be too hard...it's what he's been doing forever. 

9:08 PM

"What the f**k are you guys doing?! Get those brain-tampering liver-destroying salary-cutting chemicals the f**k out of here!" May was trying to keep this party alcohol free as it was a party for minors. "You shouldn't even be having these anyway! It won't be legal for you to put these in your bodies for another 7 years."  The twins rolled their eyes in unison without even trying. "Don't knock it till you try it May," Beverly slurred out. May was furious but more than anything disappointed in them. Grace chimed in, "Come on May! Don't be such a wet blanket," That made May so mad she knew she was going to regret her next decision but needed to prove a point. "I'm not a wet blanket! I'm just not an idiot...Here! I'll prove it to you!" May grabbed one of the cups the twins were holding and took a huge sip.  Mettaton saw the whole exchange from across the room, he didn't reach May in time before she took a huge sip from one of the twin's cups. May's face instantly turned green and her eyes were wide with panic as the sting from the alcohol hit the back of her throat, and shot instantly out of her nose. Her face turned red as she ran into hiding. No one would bug her in the bathroom. "That was horrible," As she was trying unsuccessfully to cough out the sting, the door creaked open. "Well...you don't have to worry about me being an alcoholic," She could tell that statement resulted in a sigh of relief from Mettaton. She looked up at the reflection of her still red face. "Ugh! And everyone saw that! Can we go home? I don't want people making fun of me for what just happened." Mettaton brushed back her hair. "I promise no one really saw, the only ones that did were Cleo, Maddie, Grace, and Beverly. Cleo is switching between yelling at the twins for drinking and making you take a shot, and yelling at Maddie, warning her to never drink. " That made May feel better enough to leave the bathroom. She could see the four girls in a corner off to the side. Cleo doing just what Mettaton said, the twins looking ashamed and Maddie rolling her eyes. After seeing Maddie switch to cat form and jump on Steve's shoulders, May walked out and continued dancing the night away. She couldn't hear her voice over the music, her head was pounding and her back was sweating, but who cared? Right now, it's time to just be herself.

July 5th, 1:07 AM

April was trying her best to enjoy the party, but she just couldn't get over this massive headache. "Que onda?" She could just barely hear Papyrus ask her. "Me duele la cabeza," Her head was hurting? That couldn't be good. "Volvamos a casa," Go home? What? But the party just started. Before she could protest, Papyrus had already abandoned his post (checking with his bro of course) and began dragging her out to his shiny red car.

2:13 AM

Maddie had been partying and partying and partying herself to exhaustion. She tried to resist but ran out of energy as Cleo began carrying the black kitty home in her arms.

2:19 AM

Jimena managed to fish a drained Jessie out of the sea of partiers. "Come on. I'll give you a ride home," The two walked into the black trooper and drove away.

3:51 AM

Mettaton saw May climbing onto the couch. She was probably thinking "Must...take...quick...recharge...nap," Yeah...no. He saw many people walk out the door in a slow and steady stream. There weren't very many left at the party. He walked over and could hear May quietly snoring. Adorable. "Now that we have freed California from these horrific United States, Jimena will now be our maestro, and I, one of her advisors. Everyone will get to vote on the law. Example: what should our drinking age be? I say, never," she mumbled as Mettaton opened the passenger door to his car. "Dream on little angel," He approved of making California its own country, and it had the full potential to do so, but it most likely wasn't gonna happen. He gave her a few pets, buckled her up and drove home.

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