Cincuenta: A Morning Alone...

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July 23rd, 5:36 AM

May could feel the cold of the air and pulled the many blankets layered on top of each other over her head. She knew that she should be sleeping, but no matter how cozy her bed was, it was impossible to fall asleep without being held tight in Mettaton's arms. It had been her first night alone in months, and she hated it. What was so wrong with having a bed partner? Couples are supposed to sleep together! Hmph, well, the night was almost over, she might as well get up. She walked downstairs and flipped on the TV to her Netflix profile and began watching Angel Beats.

6:47 AM

While Jimena was helping Papyrus with breakfast and the other squad members were waiting at the table, May was still just watching TV with the cats. She really didn't want to eat right now, especially since Mettaton wasn't here. Everything about it was awful...except the taste of the food. But everything else was just...blegck! It was impossible to look dignified doing so and being full was so uncomfortable, but she would normally get cuddles for doing so, was cuddling so much to ask? Just one hug?

6:52 AM

"May, time for breakfast," Cleo called out to her. May rolled her eyes. "Just getting to the good part," she whined quietly. "Come on May, don't make us force-feed you again," May paused her show and began walking into the kitchen, but only because being force-fed was a nightmare she didn't want to relive. There was a spot at the table next to Cleo. She hesitantly sat down and awaited the arrival of breakfast. "So..." April began, looking at May. "How was your first night sleeping alone like a normal person?" May wanted to slap her in the face, but the look on Cleo's face told her no. "Hey, that was very rude. And by the way, it's perfectly normal to not sleep alone. People have their pets in bed all the time and children often like to sleep with their parents. I often sleep with a cat in my lap," Cleo replied. She knew May's attachment to Mettaton was unhealthy and that she was a bit young for sharing a bed with her significant other but there was no reason for April to be so rude about it. "Try sleeping with someone. The reason why you always have nightmares is because you don't, and to answer your question, I slept great, I got a whole 12 minutes," "Hey look! Eggs! Let's get to them while they are still hot," Maddie jumped right in, breaking the tension. On their plates were scrambled eggs topped with puréed tomatoes. The room went silent as the squad began to eat. "So anyway, Maddie, have your claws grown back at all?" May asked, curious. Maddie looked at her hand. "Well...not to the point where I can use them again, but they're starting to..."

7:01 AM

May had finished her rather small breakfast and returned to the couch to finish Angel Beats. She had to get her mind off of her sister. Normally a walk in the field would do the job, but there were people after her. If she left the condo, they could just snatch her up and drag her straight back to Zhumyte, and she did not want to chance that. She pulled out her phone, knowing that Mettaton had a new one that had texting. "Come back," she typed. "I need you," she then switched off her phone and continued watching TV, the cliche making her let out a small chuckle. Her phone chimed. Wow, she wasn't expecting a text back. "Can't, Napstablook wants me to lay on the floor and feel like garbage with him. Family tradition u know? And u don't need me there all the time, why don't you do something with the squad?" "Are u kidding?! Not after how terrible breakfast was," "What was terrible about it?" "E v e r y t h i n g," "What happened?" "April decided to be a b***h and ask me how my first night sleeping alone 'like a normal person' which made everyone upset," "🧐😤😠," " least I have the others siding with me (since the cats like to crawl into our beds) I'm sure many people sleep with their pets,"

7:04 AM

Mettaton walked into the backyard and found April watering her little redwood sapling. "Oh hi, did the spoiled b***h summon you to confront me?" April asked as she moved on to the next plant. "Nope, it was my decision to come here. Listen, May is struggling enough already, I don't need you making it worse," "Ah, so you came here to scold me. No need, the others already did that," Mettaton was just plain shocked at April acting completely unphased. Did May just trick him into coming here? "Yep," Mettaton turned to see Cleo near the back door. "She was trying to cheat the whole 'one day alone' thing, but don't worry, she's distracted. The cats are keeping her busy," Mettaton thanked Cleo and left.

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