Cinco: Goodbye

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June 16th, 5:13 AM

"No, you can't leave," May refused to let Mettaton take one step out that door. "I'm sorry May, I have to," May had a grip of steel. If it was up to Mettaton, he would stay with her, but unfortunately, it wasn't. "You seriously think going to another city to wear a brown coat and fill out papers at a table with strangers is more important than being here for me? Do you not love me?" "Of course I love you," "Then prove it and stay here with me," "I wish I could, but I can't," He had to do something, he couldn't just push her off and go out the door! No, she'd be really upset. Wait, he just remembered. "Close your eyes. I have something for you," He walked out the door and pulled a toy kennel out of his car, returning to the living room and handing it to May. She opened her eyes to find a cage in her hands. Inside, there was a stuffed husky, it was black and grey and wore a collar with a pink jewel heart. "A little something so you can feel my presence while I'm away," May pulled him into a hug, crying. "Goodbye. May your trip be short, productive, and not so stressful. I love you and miss you already," Mettaton wiped away her tears and gave her a goodbye kiss before backing into the front yard and driving off.

5:17 AM

May walked up to her room and sat on her bed. A bit of looking and she found Squishy, all bandaged up, still recovering from April's temper loss. May was just barely able to save him. She had no idea when he would fully heal if he would at all. He was in so much pain and very upset. That was why May was so thankful for Mettaton's gift. A companion to help Squishy through his recovery. "Hello Squishy boy. I'd like you to meet Sparkles. She's here to help you," After a brief sniff test, they began to lick each other's faces. Love at first sight! Awww! So cuuute!

8:02 AM

May had left the two doggos alone to get to know each other. Breakfast was ready, but May wasn't in the mood. She just continued playing her game. It smelt amazing, but she didn't feel like eating. Just as she told herself that, her stomach rumbled. "Seriously? I don't want food right now," she thought.

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