Cincuenta y Cuatro: First Day

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September 9th, 4:06 AM

Mettaton could see May struggling to get to sleep. It had been at least a month since the squad stopped letting him spend the night, so she had to start sleeping alone. It was good to set up that boundary, as it allowed him to spend more time with his cousin, but it also left May tossing and turning at night. The bags forming under her eyes made it obvious she was developing insomnia. Well, it was time to end her suffering for the night. "Good morning," he whispered. May smiled at the sight of him, as it meant the long night was finally over, but wait, what time was it? "Sorry, no I didn't come here at 4 am to cuddle with you, I just wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready," ready for what? "There's a nice warm bubble bath waiting for you, but don't take too long, you don't want to be late," Mettaton then began walking out of the room and down the stairs. "Late for what?" May called after him, making sure not to be too loud. Mettaton stopped and turned around. "Your first day of school,"

5:17 AM

Papyrus gently shook April's shoulder. He didn't like interrupting her beauty sleep, but today he had to. As expected, she rolled away. "But I want more tacos..." she mumbled. "You can get more tacos after school," April turned back around and sat up "wha..?" "Morning love," Papyrus picked up a basil green backpack. "Again? Why?" "Because education. Now go take a shower and get dressed. Breakfast should be ready by the time you come downstairs,"

6:21 AM

"Can you at least drive me so I don't get kidnapped?" May asked as she poured herself some coffee. "No. You'll be walking to school, with the squad," Mettaton answered, moving May's still damp hair out of her face. "Please? What if it rains? You don't want me to walk in the rain, do you?" She wrapped her arms around him, but she stayed wary. She couldn't hug him as tightly as she wanted to anymore.

That day when she came back from her casserole hangout. Her friends had to walk her home, very embarrassing, but Mettaton wasn't there on the couch. Where could he have been? Not in the kitchen, or the basement, or her bedroom. "Okay...maybe he's just at his place," she told herself, trying to keep calm. Within 5 seconds, she found herself face planting into the couch. When there was a knock on the door, she walked to it cautiously. Who was behind the door? Why it was Mettaton...and Alphys. At first, all the tension began to leave her body, but then it returned at the sight of bandages wrapped around his torso. "You were hurt that bad?" She asked, holding back partially digested casserole. "That's not from me, is it?" She added, muffled, backing into the kitchen, just in case.

"May?" She could see a black and grey blur right in front of her. The voice was very familiar, so it had to be Mettaton. As her vision cleared, she found a concerned look on his face. "What happened this time?" she asked, trying to grab her coffee off the counter. "You clung onto me, froze and collapsed," Mettaton set her down in a chair and fetched her some water. May took a deep breath. "I want to thank you...for sticking by me all this time...even though I've been nothing but a needy b***h to you. I never leave you alone, I keep almost killing you with the super strength I often wish I didn't have, I keep running away and driving away, I can't sleep without you there, I don't feel safe when I'm more than 15 feet away from you. I understand if you think you're too good for're a deserve to date a smart girl...I'm just a dumbass who keeps f*****g up your life that would otherwise be perfectly fine," Mettaton sat down in the chair next to May. "Too good for you? Seriously?" He looked May dead in the eye as he paused to take a sip of his own coffee. "The only thing I'd ever consider you being a dumbass for is assuming that I deserve better because I already have the best catch," May rolled her eyes, not believing him. "Yes I know, cliche: yes, lie: no. Moving on, you keep saying 'smart' as if it's some sort of unachievable trait that some people are just born with. I know that's what it feels like, but you want to know what really makes all these people 'smart'?" May looked at him in annoyance. "Let me guess, they all went to kindergarten, because hand games and nap times and Mozart cast some sort of spell on the brain that makes it work better," She then proceeded to pick up her coffee and walked upstairs to pick out an outfit and do her makeup.

6:23 AM

May settled on a wine-colored ruffled tunic, black running shorts, rainbow thigh high stockings, and new 6"black knee-high leather wedges (pieces of her old boots embedded into the design) and walked into the bathroom to do her makeup. She had just finished her wine-colored eyeshadow and picked up her eyeliner pencil when she saw Mettaton's reflection behind her own. "Walking away during a rude..." May ignored him and began drawing a black line, starting on the inside. "Stop. Stop what you're doing," Mettaton walked closer to her. "What?" May snapped at him "first, your clothes clash, second, you always go overkill with the makeup, third, you walked away when I was trying to teach you a lesson," "What do you mean 'overkill'? I like the painted doll look," "Overkill, as in it masks your natural beauty rather than enhancing it," May looked down before muttering "Before you say anything, yes I know I'm not pulling off these stockings," She walked away and returned with purple leggings on instead. "Much better," she muttered as Mettaton began doing her makeup for her. "As I was saying earlier before you walked away, the reason why people are so 'smart', is because they struggle, make mistakes, and they learn from them. Remember when you ordered two large pizzas and got a stomachache? Now you know not to do it again," May waited for him to finish the lipstick before replying "Again, why didn't you stop me? You just let me do that," Mettaton was expecting her to say that and had the perfect follow up. "Because it was your mistake to make and learn from. You know why I always lose my stuff? Because you never let me find it myself, you just grab it for me. Yes, I would be late for work for a bit without you finding my wallet or my car keys for me, but I will learn where I usually put them, starting tomorrow because I know that you already found them and have them stashed in your bra," May took them out, looking flustered. "Don't look down my shirt, you creep!" "I wasn't! You don't have pockets, and they weren't in your hands, so where else would you keep them? Anyway the point is, you are always making mistake, and so do I, and so does everyone who has ever existed. The thing that makes people 'smart' is that instead of dwelling on 'I shouldn't have done that' they think 'what can I do different next time?' Anyway, we're done, you look beautiful, grab your bag and wait in the living room, the others should be nearly ready to leave," May sped down the stairs and grabbed her bag, briefly returned to hand him coffee, and waited by the front door. He couldn't help but laugh a little. Classic May.

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