Cincuenta y Siete: Cumpleaños

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February 20th, 8:02 AM

Everything was in place for the celebration. Live broadcast and everything so people who couldn't make it or live too far away could still join in the fun. The park looked so nice today and the makeshift stage was vibrant and beautiful. The "whole damn town" was invited to the shindig. A huge barbecue with karaoke, just as May and April had requested for their golden birthdays, 17 on the 17th, festivities delayed due to weather. As per tradition, the girls were sent on a treasure hunt for their presents and were treated to a big breakfast. Now they just had to wait for the people to arrive.

8:19 AM

While a few townsfolk were having fun with some of the activities set up, (ping pong, hula hoops, etc.) May was sitting under a tree. Mettaton insisted that she left her bag, the one she kept all her schoolwork, current sketchbooks, and personal logging journals in, that she never left the condo without, at home, so she just had her phone on her. What was she supposed to do with a tiny little device that required service to be entertaining and limited use? Sure it was nice to play games on it, but it burned to not have anything productive she could add to the world, especially when she was out in public, but it was either be on her phone, or play soccer (such a lame sport compared to softball) with strangers! Did April have to invite the "whole damn town" and broadcast the whole event to people outside of town?! Sure she was fine with strangers when she was younger, she used to rely on strangers for shelter, money, information, but now, there were people out to kidnap her, maybe kill her, and they could attend this event because they were a technically part of the "whole damn town"! And because everyone she knew would be caught up in the festivities, she was left to fend for herself without her "lucky halberd" to use for self-defense, because of the stupid family rule: no real weapons out in public! What was so special about birthdays anyway?! Back on Zhumyte, birthdays just meant a bunch of annual tests! Did Earthlings just want an excuse to party? She could understand the whole "use any excuse to party" thing, as she was the kind of person who used any excuse to wear formal clothes. Well, she did like parties, so she might as well get up and show off her pretty purple flower dress. Mettaton had previously told her that she needed to move away from pink because 'variety', and she discovered that she looked great in purple!

1:14 PM

The "whole damn town" showed up to the party and now it was time for lunch. Naturally, with all the burgers and hot dogs present, April took three plates, one with 15 hot dogs, each topped with cheese and iceberg lettuce, the other with 27 burgers with 'thousand island sauce', lettuce, bacon, and cheese, and one with a mountain of french fries as high as she could make it! Obviously she didn't want the squad intervening and taking all her food, so she went to a table nobody had claimed yet (and more importantly, far from where the squad was currently sitting) and began to eat there. After months of dieting against her will, she definitely wasn't going to waste this opportunity to indulge herself in all this BBQ'd goodness! But of course, this wasn't a trip "back to square one," no. Back then, she would eat fast, then suddenly all the food was gone. Now, she ate slowly, a poor attempt she often made to make the significantly smaller meals last longer, but she was still normally left unsatisfied, but in this particular scenario, she planned on saving whatever she wasn't able to finish as leftovers. That is if nobody saw her and took away her stockpile. In the meantime, she could watch the guests sing some karaoke on the makeshift stage. This particular performer seemed to like 21 pilots, he deserved respect for picking something that didn't involve cash or hot babes or the mushy "I can't live without you!". Well, to be fair, he was only the fourth one up there. "You going to share those?" She turned to see Cleo sitting across from her. Of course, her immediate response was "no".  Cleo took a burger anyway. "Well, we got you to stop binging, which is good, but now you are on a strict diet and house arrest, friendless, hungry, bored, and nothing to turn to but criminal activity. Am I right?" Cleo asked. April nodded, trying not to shed a tear. "He's taken away all the control I had over my life...I'm sick of it," "Well, you wanted him to start playing cards with you again. Did that happen?" Wait...he did! "Si," Cleo moved the overflowing plates so they were an equal distance between the two. "Remind me again why you never ask anyone else to play poker with you," April didn't take much time to think up a response. "A: Papyrus is the only one who puts up a challenge, not to mention each game is closer than the last, meanwhile everyone else gets easier to beat every game. B: After a while, everyone else started saying no because they were tired of losing to me," Cleo then gently cast the plates aside. "You wanna play right now?" April nearly jumped at the offer and pulled out a classic blue deck. "I'm sorry, do you always keep that stashed in your bra?" April looked away. "no,"

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