Catorce: No Tip!

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8:53 AM

Jimena, Alphys, and Undyne were in the living room. "So...the reason I invited you over...I need...some advice..." Undyne and Alphys looked at each other confused, Alphys leaned forward a bit. "You c-could've made an appointm-ment, o-or came by m-my office." Jimena turned pink and looked down at her hands in her lap embarrassed. "Oh! No, its nothing...medical. I need... dating advice." Somehow they looked even more confused. Jimena went on before she lost her courage. "Jessie and I have been dating for barely 2 weeks and we've only been on one date so far and I'm freaking out," Undyne, still looking confused, said, "Ok, I'm still not sure what you need our..." Before she could finish, Jimena blurted out "Jessie is a girl!" To her complete shock, They both burst out laughing. She waited patiently for them to stop. Undyne was able to speak first. "Oh my...! Jimena, would you be asking us for help if Jessie was a guy?" For what felt like the 100th time today Jimena turned pink again. "No...I guess not..." Alphys was finally able to join in. "There's no difference, dating your own gender is exactly the same as dating the opposite gender," They were not being helpful at all. "I don't even know how to do that! I've never dated at all!" She looked down. "All the squad members look up to me...I'm supposed to be the big sister...the one who knows the answer to everything...what happens when I am asked a question I don't know the answer to?" She got up. "You two can leave, thanks for nothing," she left the room, muttering "I shared my secret with two more people for nothing!" on the way out.

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