Dieciseis: Building/Breaking Bonds

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June 30th, 12:49 PM

Papyrus had finished cooking lunch. He was starting to worry. Normally, April would've come in at least 10-15 minutes ago, and when he would tell her that lunch wasn't ready yet, she would stalk him from outside the kitchen, waiting for the food with the jaws theme he knew was probably playing in her head. He decided to go out to the garden to investigate, he never finished cooking before April finished plant maintenance! No... no... no...There she--wait, what happened? She was just lying on the ground! He picked her up and carried her inside, setting her down on the couch. She tried to say something, but Papyrus couldn't quite make it out, something about her head hurting? Whatever. He was calling Dr. Alphys.

1:26 PM

Alphys had told Papyrus that April just had a mild concussion and to just let her sleep, but check on her every so often. April claimed to not know what happened. Did something hit her? Or maybe it just happened out of the blue? Whatever happened, Paps had one suspect: May.

1:28 PM

Papyrus ignored the sign on May's bedroom door and opened it to find her cuddling with Mettaton, who noticed him, grabbing May and--did he just hiss? "No skeletons allowed," Papyrus gave him a look. "Her rules, not mine," He saw Papyrus trying to get to May. "Get your gloved hands away from my little angel!" May hid under the blankets. She had never seen anything like this happen between two people without her being one of those two! "Get out! You're scaring her," With that, Papyrus left, angry that his friend was defending the culprit of his girlfriend's injury! Mettaton hugged May, petting her head. "Shhhh, it's okay, he's gone, you're safe now," for the first time ever, Mettaton got the reason why May was upset entirely wrong, but she couldn't just say that! If she did, Mettaton would go down there and make things worse! Good thing though: nothing cured a bad day like cuddles! Bonus? Not just cuddles, cuddles in a cozy bed!

1:34 PM

Papyrus returned to April with a plate of food. "Spaghetti?" She asked. "No, something new today. Try it," He didn't shout because he didn't want to worsen her headache. April might love food, but that didn't mean she ate something that didn't taste good to her. This, what even was this? Papyrus left. April tried what she was given. Blegck! Either Papyrus's cooking ability vanished when he was mad, or she just didn't like this. Either way, it was unbelievable. What was she supposed to do with this? She couldn't complain as Papyrus was already angry at something. Just the thought of "Papyrus" and "mad" being in the same sentence was weird. April was pretty much forcing herself to eat the food. She must have been making some faces because Papyrus said "What's wrong?" when April hesitated, he continued "Do you not like it? Why didn't you tell me?" The room went silent for a few brief seconds. "Because you already looked like you were mad at something and I didn't want to make it worse. Que onda?" Papyrus instantly felt bad. He was upset but April being worried is only going to make things worse. Before he could respond, April ducked her head, "You're spending so much time with me, I don't want to be any more of a bother then I already am." Papyrus sat close to April, unsure of how to console her. He gingerly put his arm around her, he felt April move closer to him and was glad he did something right. From that moment on he promised himself, he's going to be attentive to April, even after she was all healed up. Papyrus sat for a bit rubbing her arm until he remembered she was probably still hungry. He took the bowl from her and before she could complain he said: "I'm going to make you something you are actually going to eat." A small smile crept onto her face as she sunk into the pillows. He did something right again. This might be easier than he thought. 

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