Sesenta y Tres:

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May 29th, 2:19 PM

May crawled onto the couch, letting out a huge sigh. Final exams were over and next week would be simple, end of the year activities. Now that the excessive studying and paperwork was finished, she could finally make time for what she loved to do. Now, where was the best boyfriend in the galaxy? He should be home from work any minute now. Any minute...

2:41 PM

Should be home right...about...oh who was she kidding? It had been over 20 minutes since he'd normally be here! She could give or take 5 minutes, 10 if she was generous, but more than 20 and something was up. Could he have stopped somewhere to talk with someone? Or was he kidnapped and trying to get back to her?! That was it! She was calling him. "Hello?" "Where are you?" She spat. "About to pull up. Why, have you been displeased by my tardiness sweetheart?" Uh...was that sass? ...Whatever! He was home now, that was the important part. She hung up the phone and opened the door to let him in. "Welcome home sexy, I was just thinking up a list of things we could do together now that the flood of schoolwork is fact I should be writing it down," She picked up her bag to find it was very messy compared to its usual neatness. "First is reorganize my bag, which I now have time for," She noted as she pulled out a pencil and a listing journal. "Wow, no 'explain yourself' or 'you better have brought me something' today? Because here's a peppermint white mocha frappuccino, your favorite," he set a drink down on the coffee table and began consulting a list of his own. "Hey. I only said the second thing once, you just happened to catch me in a bad mood. Anyway, which one of these should we do first?" She handed the list over to him. One item managed to land her a stare. "Rule the world?" He gave her an amused smile. She put on a cynical expression. "Can't a girl dream?" "I won't stop you from dreaming, but darling, there's something we need to discuss-" May just had to cut him off, nothing they ever 'needed' to talk about was good. "And we haven't been to the mall in ages, I miss the experience of shopping," Oh hell no, May was not escaping this. "You can experience the mall with your friends, now sweetheart-" She stood her ground. "Not to mention I'm going to need my old job at the hotel-" "May!" he knew she didn't take raised voices very well, but he had her attention now. "Your fellow squad members and I have been talking about some plans and now that finals are over, they'll be set into place," He set a stack of papers on the coffee table. Expecting the worst, May picked one up in reluctance. "Excuse me..." She couldn't believe the offense clenched between her fingers. "Why am I holding a contract for the biggest dignity relinquishment in town?" Mettaton sat there unphased by May's scoff. "It's called an 'entry-level job' and you'll need it because said plans involve a work placement," May sat there in confusion. "I thought we were expanding our empire," Mettaton knew she would say something like that. "You are expanding an empire, I have done more than my fair share," that set May off into angry gibberish. "Hey, it took me five entry-level jobs to get the down payment for my hotel, I'm only asking you to take one," No way. Balancing inedible sludge on her head in a barbaric smock surrounded by disgusting walls, sticky floors, and lowlifes with worse manners than monkeys?! "The f*****g hell makes you think I'll participate in such shameful practices?" Mettaton knew she would ask that, and had the answer prepared on a silver platter since he arrived. "A certain abandoned apartment complex with your name on it if you can get enough money to cover the down payment by the time you're an adult," her eyes widened in shock. "Yeah, I saw you negotiating with the landlord, but I guess if you aren't willing to start saving, then you can just let them tear it down," May immediately began filling out the application. "Okay, I'll sell my dignity to the town's worst restaurant if it will buy me property...wait," she set the packet down and pulled out her phone. "$200,000/$13 an hour...that's gonna take me years! Hire me at the hotel again, I could make the 200 grand faster--" "Hold it," he placed a finger over her lips. "You want 200k, you have to earn it yourself. Not a penny will be drawn from me or the hotel. And just to reassure you, I still love you, and I'm not punishing you for anything. Simple rule of life: you want money, you have to work for it. I will continue to supply you with sketchbooks, (and since you will be working, you won't need as many of them) but otherwise the only financial support will come from your paychecks," May huffed, turning away from him. Why was he forcing her to work instead of snuggling with her and planning things to do together? He did seem to understand that sketchbooks helped with various problems she had, but was he being honest when he said he still loved her? "I know what you're thinking, 'I finally have free time which I want to spend doing stuff with you and this happens instead?' we can still do stuff together, but that can't be your only plan," wow, he really could read her mind. "Which leads me to another thing...please believe me when I say this will be painful for both of us..." he took a deep breath, there really wasn't an easy way to say this. "I won't be able to visit you every day anymore," he had no clue how he expected his empress to react, but he should've known something would snap when she heard that. "What do you mean 'visit'!? This is our palace! THIS IS YOUR HOME!" She shouted. She didn't care what his reason was, nothing was going to stop her from keeping him within the walls of their palace, with her! What was he supposed to do? Any attempt to calm her or reason with her would only make their separation hurt more, and they both knew he would be lying if he tried to assure that it was gonna be okay. Think, think, think! "My empress, I need you to understand that I'm not doing any of this because I stopped loving you, in fact this is happening because I love you," Wait, no. That wouldn't help at all! "You love me? Then tell me you aren't leaving me," Nope. There was no reasoning with her, but like an idiot he still tried. "I won't be gone foreve-" but she didn't let him finish. "You shouldn't have to be gone at all!" She locked her arms around him. Her emperor would never abandon her if she had anything to say about it. He tried to escape her hold, but she pinned him to the couch, laying on top of him. "Say it," she commanded. "Say that you love me, and that you will never leave me, that til death you will care for me, that..." She found herself unable to finish. "Everyone who ever cared for me has either died or left! I take many precautions to keep you tethered to me and now you're trying to ditch me?!" what the hell was he thinking? She grew up without a comfort zone and kept having to move from caretaker to caretaker. In the time she had with him, she managed to lock herself away in an ever shrinking safety spot, and he was about to drag her out of it. How he wished he could explain that this was for the sake of her health and well-being, but how does one reason with someone who isn't willing to? You can't. "I will come back for you sweetheart... goodbye,"

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