Dos: Coming Out

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12:04 PM

"Here goes nothing," Jimena was now fully updated on events, and she had something she needed to tell them. Since Cleo was the most understanding, she decided to tell her first. "So...on my way home, I decided to stop by the flag shop, but I have no idea which one I should wave. This one?" she held a rainbow flag in her left hand. "Or this one," She held the bi flag in her right hand. Cleo looked at her. "Who are they?" wow. She got straight to the point. "Well, there's a guy I have a crush on, and... a girl I'm in love with. Who do I go after?" Cleo was confused. "Okay, one side of me is saying 'why are you asking me? I'm single and will probably never be ready to mingle,' and the other would tell you, 'being in love is a stronger feeling than having a crush, so go for the lady, but keep your eyes, and your mind open,'" she gently tapped the bi flag. "Wait, does your dad know?" "Of course he doesn't. I'm sure he'd approve of me dating, but definitely not me dating another woman," "Why not? This isn't the 80s, homosexuality is cool now," "I know that," But how could she tell her dad? The man that she went through a lot with. He was a lawyer, who occasionally fought with her mom before she, along with her much younger siblings, left. She worked on investigating cases as her dad's little partner. Due to the lack of a warrant on one case, he had been sentenced to 3 years in prison. Enraged by the injustice her father had received, she strived to uphold and protect the rights of whoever she could. She knew her father wasn't homophobic or anything, but most dads didn't approve of their daughter having a boyfriend, how would her dad react if she had a girlfriend? "Who is she?" Cleo asked, interrupting her thoughts. Jimena sighed. "She's in three of my classes. We're both going to Harvard, we both love Panic at the Disco, we both have a lawyer in our family. She's so pretty. Beautiful blue eyes, honey skin, super curly cherry blonde hair that I want to play with, and she wears ruffle skirts, capris pants, a maroon leather jacket, and black leather combat boots with a tiny bit of heel, I wanna be with her, but I'm stuck in the friend zone," Cleo looked up to the ceiling. "I see that look, what are you planning?" What was Jimena about to be dragged into? "Can you play the piano?" "Yes...why?" What was she planning?

12:06 PM

One of the cats entered Maddie's room. "Got any juicy secrets?" she closed her laptop and hopped off the bed, landing on the carpet as a cat. No way...were her claws getting dull? She needed a post to scratch. She didn't plan on telling, no. She would treat this secret like any other. Leave subtle hints lying around, until they confess.

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