Treinta y Dos: Fish Got Your Claws?

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July 13th, 12:57 PM,

Maddie walked through the front door into the condo to find Cleo playing with her cats. Rather than change out of her human form to join them like she usually would, she just walked up to her room and grabbed a couple of weights before bringing them downstairs. "Hey, don't you wanna play with us?" Cleo asked. Feeling pissed off, Maddie set down her weights. "I gladly would, but I can't, because someone filed down my claws," She looked at Undyne, who was standing by the front door, her arm wrapped in gauze. "You mind coming in and explaining what happened?" Cleo asked her. Undyne gladly walked in and took a seat. Already, the smell of fish caught the cats' attention, but soon they picked up an even better scent. Maddie hopped off the couch in cat form and walked into the kitchen with the other kitties. Soon they were all following Papyrus with "Gimme!" meows as he set down bowls of his delicious homemade cat food. "Well, obviously she went into hunter mode, what I'm wondering is why she would do that now after training with you for almost a year and having no problem?"  "She cut off a chunk of my flesh and ate it! We were simply disarming her of her weapons!" Cleo's eyes widened. The clawing off flesh part was expected, but she ate it? She looked at Maddie. "Cat," she pointed her hand at herself. "Fish," she then pointed her hand towards Undyne. "What did you think was going to happen? I smell fish and I need meat. But there was no meat, and no dumpster rodents to kill either," Undyne and Alphys still looked extremely mad. Undyne spoke first, mostly because Alphys was so upset she couldn't get one out. "Cleo, If used any of my powers to hurt Maddie you wouldn't hesitate to eliminate that threat from ever happening again." Maddie and Cleo looked at each other, starting to understand the issue. Undyne continued, " You can't choose when you are and when you are not a cat! I would never have agreed to help you train if I know you would decide to attack me the minute you got hungry. That's ridiculous!" Maddie at least had the grace to look embarrassed by her words. "It's not that simple, as much as I would like to be able to control it, I cant all the time...I am really sorry I hurt you." Undyne nodded and put her hand on Alphys's arm down, the one holding the pliers. "Well, I'm sorry we filed your nails. While they grow back. Maybe instead of our normal training, we can work on helping you get better control over your cat impulses?" Maddie smiled. "That's a great idea!" She then heard a squeak. Per usual her and her kittens were the only ones who responded to the otherwise silent noise. She tried to pull out her claws, only to remember that her beautiful black sickles were now a short stubby mess. She looked to her cats. "You hear that? That's the sound of dessert. Go catch it and make your mama proud," then off the 4 grey tabbies went. 

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