Seis: Splish Splash Sploosh

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10:26 AM

"Hey," Cleo tapped on May's shoulders. "The whole squad is hanging out in the pool. Care to join us?" May turned back to her sketchbook. "Sorry. No. Can't swim," "We'll teach you," May sighed and went upstairs to put on her swimsuit. She knew swimming would be fun, but that was the problem. How would Mettaton feel if he found out she was having fun without him? What would he think if she did something else besides miss him? Having a pool party while he was gone? What kind of person would he think she is? "You okay up there?" Cleo called out.

10:29 AM

May walked down in her swimsuit holding a pink towel. She modified the design so instead of just pure cleavage, her suit had lattice straps. Much less provocative and to her, much more attractive. She and Cleo walked out to the pool together. Cleo looked at her pasty white arms and legs. It felt so weird. She never had her limbs exposed. At least her arms weren't as scrawny as she remembered them being. Wait, were they ever scrawny? Either way, she felt like her arms looked like they belonged to someone else, but her hands looked like they were hers. May was honestly a little freaked out. The only things ever showing were her face, neck, and hands, as such, those had good tans, everything else was so pale. Cleo looked embarrassed. "This is what I get for wearing a jacket and sweat pants 24/7," "Don't worry. Just let them cook in the sun long enough. They're probably used to cooking inside those baggy clothes anyway. You're not the only one with bad tan lines. Look at my arms compared to my legs. And do you see the outfit April wears? Guaranteed bad tan lines. And whatever you do, don't put any of those fad oils on your skin. Those don't give you tans, they give you burns. Found out the hard way," May finished her rant to realize she was this close to walking right into the extremely deep end. 3 Mettatons deep, so approximately 18-21 feet. If she went on for just an eighth of a second longer, she would've drowned. She hung up her towel and waded on the last step in the shallow end.

10:41 AM

By watching the others, May figured out how to move along the surface and with some help from Cleo, learned how to explore the depths of this mini lake/gigantic bathtub. She had no idea what they used in this pool, but it obviously wasn't chlorine. This water had done wonders to her hair last time she came in, chlorine destroys hair. You could swim without goggles and your eyes wouldn't be anywhere near as irritated. She found a blue torpedo trying to roll down the angled floor in the middle. She then swam over to the edge, adding it to the pile. Something fell onto her shoulder and into the water. She felt something hovering over her other shoulder. She forgot to take her earrings out! She took off the one she still had, hauled the upper half of her body out of the pool, and set it down on the nearby, barely reachable table where all the squads' phones and a speaker lay. After managing to slide back into the water, she scanned the floor beneath her. "oh...s**t..." she thought. She had wandered into the deep end. She could swim underwater, but she hadn't been in the deep end. Should she get another squad member to get it? No! She could do it! She wasn't a wimp! She took a deep breath, grabbing as much oxygen as she could, plugged her nose, and threw herself down, far below the surface. She retrieved the jewelry, but the surface was too far to swim up to, and she had already floated too high to bounce off the floor, bring it on! Swimming up was supposed to be a breeze compared to swimming down. She threw her arm above her, swinging it back down, flailing her legs, using all her might to reach the air. Something broke through the water, creating a massive stream of bubbles before grabbing her arm and dragging her up. She gasped for air as she held onto the edge. "What the hell May?" Maddie spat as she cleared her face of hair. May held up the earring. "This fell. I was down there to retrieve it," Maddie already knew the answer to this question but asked it anyway. "Why didn't you just ask?" "Because you guys would think I'm a wuss!" "Okay, I know, this is coming from me of all people, me, but that right there was way too big of a leap. That's like landing a cartwheel for the first time, then trying a backflip,"

8:07 PM

May had left the pool and was now in her pink paintbrush pajamas. Swimming was fun and all, but all good things must come to an end. She held her phone up to her ear. Straight to voicemail. "Hello caller, this is Mettaton, I'd love to stay and chat, but I just can't come to the phone right now, please leave your message at the beep," She should've known. Somehow her calls were always at the most inconvenient possible times for Mettaton. In this case, he was probably in the middle of a meeting. She shut off her phone. This was going to be a long night.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast! The Sequel.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum