Treinta: Wait...WHAT?!

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July 14th, 2:16 PM

Alphys hung up the phone while she turned towards Undyne who was still talking. " Paps! Volume control! ... Ok, I'm glad you're excited to cook us dinner... Yes, spaghetti sounds delish... No no, we have all the food you need here, please don't go gro- ... What do you mean you already bought the items! I just asked you!... Ugh! Whatever just be here by 5:00!" Undyne hung up before she got annoyed and canceled the whole plan. "I know this is for the best, but I'm already annoyed, and they aren't even here yet." "W-well, what e-else are we supposed t-to do?" Undyne rolled her eye and walked into the living room to put on some anime. They tried their best to keep their house as clean as it was when the Thomas sisters stayed with them, so far not much luck, as quite a few things were already out of place. 

5:12 PM

Mettaton walked through the door without knocking, per usual. He could hear and smell something coming from the kitchen. He was shocked to see Papyrus elbows deep in spaghetti sauce. Without saying a word, Metton spun on his heel trying to make a quick getaway. Blocking him was a scared but very determined Alphys. Mettaton tried to sidestep her but to no avail. " Alphys! Please, I need to get-" He tried to whisper but in a panic, it was much louder then he intended. Papyrus spun around, his smile quickly faded. Spoon in had, Paps made a dash for the back door only to be blocked by a not all scared and equally determined Undyne. "Don't even try it. You two are going to resolve this feud. Tonight," The two former friends stared at each other angrily. The whole situation was hilarious when you thought about it, but when it was actually happening, just...what...??????????? Soon Mettaton realized what was going on. "What am I doing? I can just..." He effortlessly picked up Alphys and moved her out of the way before making a break for the door. Gotta hand it to him, he got pretty far. All the way to the other end of the block before Undyne managed to catch up to him, knocking off a leg before dragging him back to the house. 

5:14 PM

"Got him!" Mettaton was propped in a chair while Alphys gave Undyne a "Seriously?!?!?!? Was that necessary?!?!?!" look. As Alphys began repairing Mettaton, he was clearly trying to act like it wasn't much when it was a lot! Papyrus couldn't help but feel bad. Despite how mad he had been, he didn't like seeing his best friend in pain. "This reminds me of that time--" Mettaton cut him off "That time in Hotland with that one-legged pirate at the bar?" Paps spun around flinging spaghetti sauce everywhere in excitement. "YES!" They both sighed. "I remember we used to sneak off to this place when we were kids, still kinda sad it got shut down. And we never even got to try its famous cocktails 'cause we were way too young to drink. We aren't even old enough to drink now!" Mettaton thought for a minute. "I'm sure I could pull some strings and find out the recipe," Mettaton looked at Paps seem confused but he could tell he got excited at the thought of a new recipe. "What on earth would we do with the recipe though?" Mettaton couldn't help but smile. Talking to Paps about the good old times, it was easy to forget what they were even arguing about. "Let you work your magic with it, I know its not a cooking recipe." Papyrus stared at Mettaton "but if anyone can figure it out, it's you!" If skeletons could blush, Paps would be beet red. "Wait a minute," Undyne and Alphys looked at each other with victorious grins. "We're not old enough to buy any of the 'supplies'," Papyrus and Mettaton looked at each other in worry. "Oh don't worry about that!" They heard Undyne yell from the kitchen. The boy leaned over to see that Undyne had opened up a whole cabinet full of... supplies. 

5:27 PM

"Paps, you make one great cocktail," Undyne smiled, swirling her glass a little bit. "Yep, i-it's great," Alphys added, busy with repairs. "Alphy, you didn't even try yours," "I'm busy!" Undyne saw Alphys' glass was on the very edge of the table. "Alright, but just to save everyone a little bit of trouble..." Undyne pulled the glass away from the edge and towards the center of the table. Once Alphys finally decided to take a sip, she leaned over the table. Everyone else was trying so hard not to laugh. "Alright Alphys, here you go," Mettaton pulled the drink over in Alphys' direction. "Hmph, that reminds me, May hates it--," Mettaton winced. "--when I'm wearing heels and she's not. It's pretty amusing to watch her try to reach me," The very comical image of May struggle with all her might to get a hug flashed in his head. He would have laughed out loud if he wasn't in so much pain. Undyne leaned back in her chair, clearly annoyed at the thought of May. "Ugh. How do you live with such a frustrating little thing? I mean...she cleaned the place...but her way of thinking seriously needs work," Mettaton looked around the place. "Oh, I didn't notice that this place was much cleaner than us- WAIT! When was May here?!" "Yeah, she c-came to the door, claiming th-that she needed to g-get away from you two fighting o-over the ph-phone," Alphys explained, trying her hardest not to piss off Mettaton. To everyone's surprise, Mettaton dropped his head in his hands clearly saddened by the news. "I was so busy finding her and making sure she was alright. I didn't even think to find out the reason why she ran away. I just thought she was being petty and dramatic again," He paused to take a deep breath. "and to find out it was just so she could get away from our fighting..." Mettaton looked up at Paps to see he looked just as sad and guilty as Mettaton felt. Paps cleared his throat, "I found April just before she was going to hit the ground after falling from a tree she used to hide from me..." Mettaton gasped. "May almost froze to death when I found her in Snowdin" Undyne was aware that this was a very emotional conversation for the boys but she couldn't help but point out, "You guys sure know how to pick 'em," Mettaton and Paps snapped their heads around to glare at her. "What? One eats too much, one doesn't eat at all. And they both consistently try to kill themselves. I would be exhausted," The boys just looked at each other. "What are we doing wrong?" Undyne stood up and brushed imaginary dust off her pants. "That is a whole nother conversation, one that I am not qualified to handle. My job here is done" Alphys gave Mettaton one last zap before quietly muttering "b-b-besides, i-I'm all d-d-done." Mettaton stood up and gave his leg a cautious shake before taking a couple of steps to make sure. 

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