Cuarenta y Tres: Creeps!

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6:31 AM

May was just driving around the borders of the town, allowing the nice scenery to clear away her thoughts when suddenly, she saw a black van with dark windows driving right behind her, way too close for comfort. Feeling uneasy, she hooked up her phone to the car and made a sharp turn back into town. The van was still following her. She kept driving, hoping to eventually lose them, but they were still behind her! Panicked, she dialed 911 on the screen in the car. Ring... ring... ring... hold?! What?! Oh yeah, the police in this town were unreliable. She hung up and called Mettaton instead. Before Mettaton could bring up what happened that morning, May shouted: "I'm being stalked!" She made another turn in an attempt to escape. "There's a black van with dark windows chasing me and 911 put me on hold so I'm calling you, help," Mettaton could hear how terrified she was over the little device in his hand. "Where are you right now?" "Avenue S. I can see the 411," "Pull onto it," May turned onto the highway, the van behind her did the same. She kept driving until all the cars began to slow down. "No no, you can't be serious," Now the cars on the highway were packed together, barely moving at all. Now she was stuck in traffic with a stalker right behind her and nowhere to run. "May, May can you hear me?!" "Yes, but I'm stuck in traffic, whoever's following me could just get out of their car and break into this one any second," She just sat there, head in her hands, expecting to be hauled out of the car and taken to who knows where any minute. Wait...yes! The cars were speeding up again! "Listen, May, when you get to 29th Street, turn left, I'll meet you there," "Got it," Alright, 31st... 30th... 29th!

6:38 AM

May saw Mettaton standing in the grass and pulled over. She got out of the car as quickly as possible and made a break for him, but something tugged on her shoulder, someone in black and a hoodie, their face barely visible. She poked them in the eyes and ran right into Mettaton's arms, where he just let her silently cry as they walked inside the building.

7:03 AM

May and Mettaton were sitting in chairs inside the building, which May now knew belonged to the local law enforcement. She watched as two of the dogs from the former royal guard took her stalkers away. Apparently, they've been after these creeps for a while. "Here," May tossed the car key's into Mettaton's lap. "You can have your keys back because I am never driving again!" She simply just sat there, looking down at the floor with a terrified look on her face. Mettaton set a hand on her shoulder as he tucked the keys into his pocket. "Well...sometimes, these things happen...that's why it's good to have people to look after you..." May crawled into his lap. "Save it, just take me home! Take me home so we can just snuggle in bed!" She held onto him tight so nobody could take either of them away.

7:12 AM

"Where is she?!" One of the stalkers called out as they were being taken away. "Bring her to us!" The other creep added.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast! The Sequel.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें