Veintidos: Food Foes

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July 7th, 2:38 AM

April had woken up from yet another bad dream, (like she ever had a good dream) and walked down into the kitchen for some food. So many delicious items to choose from. What to eat? What to eat? "You know what, why bother choosing? I'll take this, this, this, this, this, this, and this, and...this," Lots of leftover meals and cabinet snacks. Yummy. Looking around, she saw all of the dishes and packaging she left on the table. She figured she should probably clean up her mess, but she was too stuffed to even move from her chair. All that food in her belly made her feel so sleepy. She pushed a plate out of the way and let her head fall into an arm frame.

6:52 AM

Papyrus walked through the front door and into the kitchen to find April snoozing in a chair with dishes and empty food packaging. "Are you sure you wanna bet on black?" She was dreaming about gambling. She lifted her head up just a bit and very subtly pumped her fist with a quiet "Yes," She may have won the jackpot in her dream, but she was going to lose all of her bets when Papyrus shook her shoulders. "SORRY TO RUIN YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP, BUT DOES THIS, LOOK FAMILIAR TO YOU?!" April woke with a start and was ashamed to see all the junk food wrappers surrounding her on the table. " wasn't me! I swear!" Paps wiped off what could only be Cheeto dust off her cheek, showing the orange dust to her without a word. " was me," April halted, holding her stomach. "Oh man, and I am regretting it," Paps was not surprised. "OF COURSE YOU ARE. YOU EAT OUR WEIGHT IN JUNK." Wow. That was brutal. She never thought Papyrus, of all people, Papyrus, probably the nicest guy in the galaxy, would call her fat. No time to think about that, she had to find a sink, now.

1:37 PM

April was not given breakfast or lunch due to her 2 AM binging incident. Here she was now, not even 2 PM yet and she wanted a snack. "It's just cravings," she told herself. "I'm not actually hungry," she told herself. Eventually, she gave up and began looking for a snack-y snack-y. Now she could spend some time with her best frie--oh wait. Her smile faded as she found sticky notes attached to all the food in both the cabinets and the fridge. "Stay back! I'm warning you, I have carbs!" on the Ruffles. "Sorry, no. I have too much sugar," on the macarons. So mean! She was just being bombarded with betrayal. "Why? Why did you do this to me? You dirty traitor!" She took an unopened bag of Cheeto puffs, opened the kitchen window and sent them flying out onto the grass. "Fine! You guys were terrible friends anyway!" She slammed the doors shut and stormed into the backyard with tears in her eyes. Once she reached the farthest corner, she curled herself up in a cardboard box. "May was right all along,"

5:49 PM

Papyrus saw an open window and beyond it, a bag of Cheetos on the lawn. Strange. Even weirder, he could see a cardboard box aaaaaaall the way out in the backyard. He walked outside to investigate. He could hear something from the box. He folded back the flaps to see April--crying? She never cried! Except before she went to jail, but she could've been faking it in an attempt to get herself out of trouble. Look down? Yes. Pout? Yes. Cry? No. "Que onda?" he asked. "They're all backstabbers," she muttered, not looking up at him. She then went into a Spanish rant about how all the food she found delicious was bad and how the food industry was evil and how May was right to refuse to put up with it. Papyrus didn't want April to continuing to eat how she was, but he also didn't want her thinking about food the way her sister did, or, used to, either. "May is just afraid of eating like you and getting fat," April instantly covered her eyes and let out a loud sob. "You think I'm fat!!!" Now he had really done it. "No, I don't...That's not what I meant it's just... UGH" He scooped up April, box and all, carried her to the kitchen, set her gently down on the floor in her box and made quick work of cooking up a yummy spaghetti dish. Throughout cooking, he could see April poking her head out of the box just enough to see what he was doing but would duck back down as soon and she thought he was looking. Once he finished, he held out the plate so it was hovering just over April's arm. "For you, señorita," She didn't snatch the plate right away like usual. Instead, she hesitated. Papyrus nudged her arm. She looked up at him and said with puppy dog eyes. "Can I eat it in the box?" He handed her the plate and gently closed the flaps. "Claro," Her eyes widened. It was spaghetti--oh wait. The spark of excitement fizzled out when she remembered pasta was refined flour, basically sugar in disguise. Then, there was a sound she never, once, thought she would hear in her life! A low but soft growl like sound came from April's stomach. They both looked down in shock. April wrapped her arms around her stomach in an attempt to muffle the sound. Papyrus gave her a stern look. "You can eat in the box or on the table or wherever you want to. As long as you eat," April reached her hand up, at first, Paps thought she was reaching for the plate. Instead, she grabbed onto his hand so he could help her out of the box. "Can we watch--" Paps cut her off. "Chamber of Secrets? Claro!" She swiped the plate of spaghetti and dashed onto the couch.

7:56 PM

Papyrus went to go check on April. There she was, curled up on the couch. The movie had been paused so she could take a snooze. The plate he had given her was stripped clean. Spaghetti. He knew it wasn't the healthiest meal, but April looked so happy!

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