Trece: #SquadFails

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5:34 AM

Pffft! Did Mettaton actually think May would let dirt accumulate on her skin for that long? She needed to refresh her skin at least every 8-12 hours! Well, at least she was finally rid of that awful bedhead. What could've happened anyway? Her hair was normally fine looking and very easy to brush out in the mornings. That thought was interrupted when her stomach let out a rumble. Was breakfast ready yet? Ding ding ding! A light bulb lit up over her head. If Mettaton didn't tell Papyrus, he would make some food for her and she would get 2 breakfasts! GENIUS! Twice the yum! May rubbed her hands together with a sinister smile on her face.

5:47 AM

May sunk her teeth into the last bit of the second waffle and began digging into the third one. Yuuuuuuuuummyyyyyyyyyy! She turned to Mettaton and gave him a thumbs up. Once the third waffle vanished from her plate, she carried it over to the sink before dogpiling Mettaton on the couch. "Contract?" She knelt on the floor with her hands folded. "Cuddles?" "Yes. Come on up here cutie," She jumped on top of him, her nonexistent tail wagging as she was buckled into shiny, muscular cuddle straps. She loved acting as a blanket for her love, so cozy for both of them! Now, to watch some movies while waiting for a potential breakfast #2.

7:32 AM

May sat down at the table to see Ellie already there. She seemed happy to see someone else sit down. "I just spent 5 minutes searching for my hat in the kitchen. Turns out I was wearing it the whole time," May was questioning how. Was Ellie Ellie if she took off her fedora? But this was relatable. "Believe it or not, even I have those slip-ups. Guess my memory's not perfect after all. I once thought I lost the remote even though I was currently browsing Netflix with it," Jimena joined in. "I was in my single digits at the time, so this is kind of understandable, but I once spent nearly half an hour searching through drawers, cabinets, storage closets, guess what I was looking for," "Something that wouldn't fit in a closet," May guessed. "A window," Maddie appeared right next to her chair. "Once when I came back from a run, I walked into the kitchen in search of the stairs," Cleo walked in. "A couple of years ago, I was looking for my phone while texting Maddie, and I asked her if she had seen my phone via text," Maddie pulled up the conversation with her response, "Did you check your hands?" Undyne and Alphys walked in, how did they get here? "I invited them," Jimena whispered to the squad. "So what were you guys talking about?" Undyne asked. "Just sharing some brain burps," May replied. They both sat down at the table. "Oh," Undyne snickered thinking back. "So I once got back from training, made myself some tea, then I thought I would be late for training, so I readied myself quickly, then realized, I just got back from training," April then joined them. She was listening to the whole thing and was trying to recall a good one. "I somehow forgot the word "tree" once and I said look at all the leaf poles in front of a (now ex) crush I had circa 3 years ago," she hoped Papyrus didn't hear that last part. "Just a few w-weeks ago, there was a b-book that I rummaged through the whole house looking for. I was sh-shouting 'hey, Undyne, have you seen that book?!' Turns out I was reading that the whole t-time," Papyrus came in and gave everyone a plate of food. Yum! "What about you Paps?" April asked. "EVEN I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS THESE SLIP UPS, I HAD BEEN COOKING ONE DAY AND FOR THE LIFE OF ME COULDN'T FIND THE SALT, SO I ASKED SOMEONE TO HOLD WHAT I HAD IN MY HAND AND IT TURNS OUT I WAS HOLDING THE SALT THE ENTIRE TIME!" Sans just teleported in. "Grillby pestered me with this for a while. I forgot the word 'fries' so I asked him for potato twigs," hearing their conversation, Mettaton concluded with the most ridiculous slip-up. "So once, I was on my way to work, and I thought I lost my keys. Kept my eyes on the road 'cause I'm not stupid, but I was feeling around with my hands like 'where are my keys?' Then I realized, wait, I was driving," he then saw May munching on a second breakfast. "May, didn't I make you waffles earlier?" The room went silent as May sped out of the kitchen, taking her meal with her.

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