Vientiuno: May's Earth Discovery Log Cont.

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Entry #22

Holy f**k! It's been a whole week since I updated this! Guess I was so caught up in playing basketball with the boys that I completely forgot. We've been staying with them for the past week and have been sleeping on the couch. *sigh* nice couch-y, nice cozy couch-y...hey! April, watch it! That's my foot! Ugh, sisters. I'm making a wall! Just slide this cardboard here... there! Now I won't be kicked. Anyway, I learned about something called a store. I hated it. There was so much to see, so much to explore, but I had to stay with the group. And I was asked if I knew what adult supervision was. I did, but I've been walking streets unsupervised since I was 4! And so far the so-called "strangers" I've met on Earth are way nicer than those on Zhumyte. *shudder* just mentioning that planet is...ugh. Oh. There are people who steal things here too? Well, stealing objects doesn't seem that bad, unless there's sentimental value. No, the bigger deal is when people get stolen. You guys call it "kidnapping"?But I've seen it happen to adults too! Wouldn't that be "adult-napping"?  Anyway, I saw the boys' mom hand this lady some tiny green papers. Trade? What sort of secrets could have been written on those papers? What kind of secret organization could these women be working for? And why does she give me so much food? I mean, breakfast is delicious and all, but are you trying to make me fat?  Well, nice try! I'm gonna shed off all the pounds by playing basketball outside.

-May Thomas, Age 11

10:26 AM 

May was using Mettaton as a human pillow (or robot pillow rather), he was sitting criss-cross on the bed and she was sitting in his lap with her back to him. May was holding the book out so they could both read. Mettaton was playing with her hair. When May got to the part where she mentioned "adult-napping", She felt and heard him chuckle. May looked back at him confused, raising an eyebrow at him. "I always wondered why they call it kidnapping too." They read on.

Entry #23

My last entry was yesterday. It has been 2 weeks and one day since we came to Earth. I love my new home! So many new hobbies, so many new concepts, I feel like I'm a pioneer, with three new brothers! Bill, Phil, Will, and May...and April, I guess. Eh, who cares about one stupid sister who can't agree with you on anything when you have three amazing brothers to play basketball with?!

May earned herself a look of judgment from Mettaton. She had a pretty good guess what he was going to say but she asked anyway. "What?" Mettaton took a big breath, he knew this was going to end up being an intense conversation. "Did you really consider these boys who you had just met, your brothers? Also, how could you already be disregarding April as your sister?" Without thinking, May answered, "If you haven't already noticed, I have an easier time getting along with boys than I do with other girls," Mettaton raised his eyebrow at her. "This isn't about 'getting along better'. April risked her life for you...multiple times. She deserves much more than being cast off as soon as you find someone you 'got along better with'," Mettaton had to try really hard to hide the anger in his voice. He loved May, but her feelings towards April never made any sense to him. She wasn't looking at him, but Mettaton could tell that she had a pout on her face. "How'd you feel if I just found another woman and told you 'hey, I have a new girlfriend, goodbye'?" May turned around to look at him with her eyebrows bent. "I swear if you do that, I will murder you in the most painful way I can," "So then what makes it okay to do that to your sister?" The room went silent for a brief moment before May continued reading.

Speaking of basketball, I've won every game so far. Yes! Another 3-pointer! Yeeeeah! Whooo! This is fun! Wait, where are you guys going?! Oh, your mom is calling you? Alright. Guess I sho--

"Hey! I thought we were reading that!" May got off the bed and began to try grabbing her log back from Mettaton, who just kept moving it out of her reach. "No, we were having a conversation," May took one last lunge toward the book, but Mettaton easily held it out of her reach. May backed down. She knew this was going to happen sooner or later, she was just hoping it would be later. "So as I was saying, you can't just trash someone you've known forever just because you met someone else you 'got along with better'," Mettaton stood up as May lay face down under the covers. He unveiled her head and knelt to her level. "I guess I can understand why you don't like April presently, but why then?!" "Because I didn't see her as a sister. She was competition. My parents very strongly implied that when they always compared me to her and punished me for things they were completely fine with April doing. It couldn't have been more clear that they preferred April and saw me as a worthless b***h! Why should I care for someone I spent my whole life competing against?!" Great, more s**t about her parents. "So you hate your sister for something your parents did," May's eyes widened, but she refused to admit she was wrong. "All I'm trying to do here May is to get you to understand that your hatred for April is totally misplaced," May turned her back on him, Mettaton could feel her thinking things through. She spun around, Mettaton could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't going to give up. "No! I hate her cause she hates you, she threw you down the stairs, she ripped up Squishy...and...and," May couldn't list any more things and started to cry. Mettaton scooped her up into a hug and just held her until she calmed down. When her sobs have subsided and there were no more tears, Mettaton sat down, bringing May with him so she was perched on his lap. Mettaton knew he was close to getting May to at least understand that she hated April in the beginning for all the wrong reasons. "May..." She looked up at him, puppy eyes turned all the way up to 11. But he wasn't going to let up now. "I know, she threw me down the stairs, but she was just trying to protect you," He could see May was ready to add a "from what?" but didn't let her. "And remember that misunderstanding, guess who cleared that up," May was shocked, "You mean when I had Ethan--" Mettaton cut her off. "Yea then," If he could blush he would. "April cleared up that misunderstanding and brought me back to my senses," May had no clue. Mettaton could see her starting to understand. "All I'm trying to say is that April has always just been trying to be the best big sister she knew how. Yea she may have gone about it in weird ways at times, but can you blame her?! She didn't have the best roles models," Even May let out a soft chuckle at that. She snuggled up close to him, perching her head on his shoulder. "Now, just sip on your tea, and get some rest," Mettaton kissed her forehead and let her act as his blanket. 

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