Cuarenta: Social Life

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12:03 PM

May began typing a message to Ethan, Ari, Evelyn, and Maxwell. "Hey guys, I was just wondering, you wanna come over to my house to play some video games?" Dare she hit send? Maybe she could edit. "Hey guys, can you please come over-" no, that sounds like begging. Wait what was she doing? These were two high school couples and she was just the extra wheel. Not only that, they probably judged her because she was dating someone who was already done with school. Surely Mettaton was judged for dating a high schooler! What was she doing, she should just be sending the damn message. "Hey guys, video games, my house, 10 minutes, see ya?" Send. No turning back now. She turned off her phone and played a game by herself. Surprisingly, her phone chimed. She turned it on expecting to see "no", but then she saw a yes! Wow. What the hell did she just get herself into?!

12:16 PM

May opened the door to find all 4 of the people who were invited. "Wow... you guys actually came," May was just in pure shock. "What made you think we wouldn't come?" Ethan asked. "Sorry, I just, don't spend enough time around...people...Anyway, let's play some games. I have Smash Bros set up unfinished game of coffee roulette from this morning," "What's coffee roulette?" "Just a game that my boyfriend and I made up this morning because I made a whole bunch of coffees and forgot which ones were which. As of now there are 15 peppermint mocha, 6 regular mocha, 3 plain vanilla and one black. Pick up a random cup and see which one you get," "Sounds fun...and expensive," May shrugged.

3:41 PM

"You cheated," Evelyn accused jokingly. "Hey, you guys wanna team up against a level 9 CPU?" May asked. They all nodded.

5:27 PM

"You guys wanna hang out again next week at the casserole place?" They all nodded. "Okay bye," she opened the door and led them all out before closing it and letting out a sigh. She then heard a knock. Did someone leave something here? Or was it next week already? She opened the door to find Mettaton there and hugged him immediately. Mettaton looked over her shoulder to see the aftermath of May having friends over! "May, I'm so proud of you. How many people came over?" Mettaton asked now looking around the living room. "Ethan, Ari, Evelyn, and Maxwell," May told Mettaton as she hopped on the couch ready for snuggles. She pulled out her phone and typed frantically. Mettaton snatched her phone and read what she almost sent to her friends: "Haha, just remembered I'm busy next week, gonna have to cancel, no casserole for me! 😔" "May, why would you cancel?" Mettaton asked confused as he deleted her text. "Because I'll be too busy cuddling with you and won't have time for any other plans...ever," "Didn't you have fun though?" Mettaton asked. May nodded yes. "But you are my priority and we have fun together." May tried to explain. Mettaton realized that he needed to find a way to get May to hang out with other people more. "I think I should hang out with Alphys on the day you are doing casseroles," Mettaton suggested. "But I didn't think you were busy that day," May said confused and a bit angry. "Then both of us can hang out with friends and yes May you do have friends." Mettaton continued. May just snuggled up close to him, not wanting to leave his arms. "Promise you'll go to your casserole hang out?" Mettaton asked before wrapping his arms around her. "Fine, I promise," May said as she sent a text to her group that she would be looking forward to seeing them.

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