Siete: Reunited

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June 24th, 7:41 AM

Mettaton was so glad that his trip was over. No more frustrating meetings. He was told the trip would be 4 to 6 days. He was hoping it would be 4, but unfortunately, it was 6. He opened the door. Instantly, May zipped over to him, giving him a huge hug. Yep, he was definitely missed. But something was wrong. It looked like that Ms. Speedy move sapped up all of her energy. Heavy breathing, the beginnings of bags under her eyes, unable to make direct eye contact with him, obviously she hadn't been sleeping well. He picked her up and set her down on the couch for a nap. He fetched her a blanket. "So what did you do while I was-" but May was already sound asleep. Mettaton decided to let her dream sweetly and ask another squad member for updates. There was Jimena making breakfast with the help of Papyrus. "So how was May doing while I was gone?" he asked. "Good, just one problem... she wouldn't eat. We force fed her once, she hasn't had anything since," What? May wasn't eating? Was she just doing it to win his approval the whole time? Why wouldn't she eat without him around? 

7:53 AM

May had woken up from an awful dream to hear the loud rumbling of her empty stomach. She then picked up the scent of something delicious. Now that Mettaton was home, she could sink her teeth into as much food as she wanted. She walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, trying her hardest not to drool at all the deliciousness in the room. She was snapped out of her trance when she felt something. Oh no...hunger pains...ouch. She saw a hand flop onto the table. There was Mettaton standing above her. May recognized that "you are in big trouble young lady," look on his face and turned to run away, but Mettaton grabbed her wrist and walked into the living room. "May, why have you not eaten the whole time I was gone? You were doing so well," "What would be the point? You weren't here," Seriously? "May, I wasn't trying to get you to eat because I wanted you to, I was trying to get you to eat because you have to. Why does my absence make you think it's okay to stop?" "You know how I just fall asleep after a good meal? I haven't been having the most pleasant dreams recently, so I thought, no food, no falling asleep, no nightmares. Still had nightmares, and no you to snuggle with," She was pulled into a hug. "No darling of mine should suffer from bad dreams! I'm here for you, little cutie," May smiled and returned the hug, laying on top of him. "Welcome home sexy,"

8:04 AM

May walked into the kitchen and gathered a little bit of every breakfast item, all on its way into her belly! Yum! Wait, this was nowhere near enough! She grabbed some more, delicious! More! She still wasn't satisfied. MORE! She gobbled up a huge fourth helping and lay down on the couch, Mettaton soon joining her. "So what did you do while I was gone?" May crawled on top of him, setting her head just below his, her face hiding in his neck. She spoke so quietly. "Hung out with the squad in the pool, learned how to swim, mostly just drew and played video games on the couch," Mettaton sat up. "You hung out with the squad? That's amazing, sweetheart! Why did you sound so upset when you told me?" "I thought having fun while you were gone would make me a backstabber!" Mettaton could see why she would think that. How was he going to convince her otherwise? He saw her with eyes barely open. "Hey, I know you're tired, but I'm not done talking to you. Just try to stay awake for a little bit longer," he told her softly as he lifted her head up. "Just because someone you love leaves, doesn't mean you don't have the right to be happy. Imagine if you were going on a trip. Would you want me to be upset?" May looked down. "I'd most likely expect that, but I don't want it," 

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