Treinta y Tres: Where's My Food?!?!

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July 14th, 7:04 AM

April was up and awake from another terrible night's sleep, ready for breakfast. She could almost taste that bacon, those eggs, and the hash browns already. She walked down into the kitchen but...oats?...What...? Hmph...guess she wasn't that hungry after all...She turned around and walked into the living room, laying on the couch.

7:08 AM

Papyrus found April curled up on the sofa, half asleep. Now aware that April's poor/lack of sleep played quite the part in her out of control cravings, he made sure that she was dreaming sweetly whenever he caught her in a snooze, even letting her snatch the red scarf off his neck. He found it adorable that she tried to lay it out as a tiny blanket. On occasion, she would even climb up and lay with her arms hanging from his shoulders. Whenever this happened, he would give her a real blanket and set her down in a more comfortable position than she was previously in. She was sleeping better, and her bags were clearing up. As for her working on it. She would try to control herself during mealtime...only to gorge on the 'leftovers' 10 minutes later. On the plus side, almost none of the food made for the squad was from the grocery store. Everything was either from April's garden, or the local butchery, the owner of which didn't believe in processed meat. So even though April was still binging, at least it wouldn't be on junk. "a salad...? excuse me?!...I'll have nachos thank you..." hmph...even in her sleep, she refused to eat a salad.

7:13 AM

April woke up from her nap to find what looked like a red smoothie in a clear cup with the letter A made out of vines with a green straw and one of those umbrella thingies. On it, a little sticky note. "Enjoy breakfast, <3 Papyrus," cute, but April typically didn't like smoothies as they never turned out good. Most likely because she could never get a good blend of ingredients. Well, Papyrus was certainly better at this than she was, so this smoothie was probably better. Hm! It was delicious, but not filling at all! Whatever! She had plants to tend to anyway!

10:49 AM

April had finished watering her plants and walked inside, heading straight for the fridge. Breakfast was a total letdown, and lunch most likely wouldn't be any better, so yeah, snack time! Let's see...apples, no. Carrots, nah. Bananas, ew! She closed the fridge and opened the cabinet. Nothing. Of course, the cabinets were totally empty! And they never had anything frozen, so they didn't even own a freezer! Guess she just had to wait for lunch! She walked up to her room, fully expecting to be disappointed with a salad later. She missed all the good stuff! Burgers, pizza, cake, spaghetti, bacon, hash browns, french fries, at this point a sandwich would be a luxury!

12:31 PM

Once again, April woke up from a nightmare and was about to walk downstairs for some food only to remember there was nothing good to eat. She turned around and flopped back onto her bed. She just wanted food, was that too much to ask? Just one bite of Papy's famous spaghetti?

12:38 PM

Paps peaked into Aprils room to see her angrily staring at the ceiling. He could hear her stomach growl from where he was standing. April quickly put both of her hands over her stomach as if to quiet the noise. It was at that moment he knew he messed up. "Hey..." He called gently, he didn't want to spook her. Nonetheless, she still jumped a little at the sound. "Oh... hey..." She turned back to glare at the ceiling. He almost left her alone, knowing that sometimes people just need space to pout and get over things. He knew he owed her an explanation of the sudden change in food choices. He walked into her room and put his hand on her shoulder. "You stopped making spaghetti..." April sat up. "Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" She was clearly angry with him. "Why the diet? Why?" Paps had a bunch of facts and logical reason on the tip of his tongue, but what came out instead was "Because I care about you! And if you keep eating the way you're bound to get sick someday," April was for perhaps the first time ever in her life...stunned speechless. Paps kept rambling before she had a chance to interrupt. "Uh...and there's so many health benefits to eating right that I know you'll love," At that, she gave him a curiously raised eyebrow, but still didn't interrupt. On a roll, Paps continued. "Yea!...Uhhh like...sleeping better! With the proper calories and nutrition in your body, it will help your body settle into a more stable rhythm.  Also the more balanced calories you have in your body the more stamina and energy you will have throughout the day. Which mean you will be able to tend to your plants for more time," He could tell she perked up at that. "I should have told you ahead of time. But I was hoping I'd be able to- I don't know surprise you into eating better. I should have talked to you about it first," April crawled into his arms. She didn't want food anymore, she just wanted a hug! "Thanks for trying Paps. I appreciate you always cooking for me and well, everyone else here...I'll try and meet you halfway on this eating thing, but you need to promise me one thing..." Paps looked hopeful but waited to agree before he heard her demand, expecting the worse. "I still get some of that spaghetti every now and then!" April looked so determined and stubborn on something so silly. "Of course,"

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast! The Sequel.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें